Indoor 1st Mephisto grow...dwc & coco

I had a few issues with a couple seeds I tried to germ. After a 24hr soak they sunk but didn't crack. I lightly cracked them between pair of tweezers, placed into moist paper towel/ziplock bag and placed on warm heating pad. They had tails within the next 24hrs and potted up.
No freakin way!! Talk about science-ing a solution to your germ prob...nice job!! Hopefully mine wont come to that. 1 of the 2 problem seeds has cracked & stupid me forgot to take a pic under the magnifying glass. Anyway there was a tiny crack & hint of a taproot but it appears to have halted for whatever reason. I threw it in a rr plug & put the other problem seed in paper towel after a 24hr soak. If that fails I'll definitely try your method...better odds than the garbage can. Thanks again for your feedback!
so I'm on day 5 & have used only RO water on my babies with the exception of Hydroguard in the dwc res. I went to my local hydro store today & dude was telling me i should already using Cal-Mag in both my coco & dwc bucket. Is that good advice? I thought straight water for the first 10-14 days but am open to suggestions. GH says not to use RapidStart til week 2 so i was holding off on that til next week. I need some wisdom...anyone??
Day 6...still under 24/0 light schedule. Here in So Cal the winter is ideal to run 24hrs/day as tent temps wont exceed 85 degrees & usually hang around 78. The QB's are 18" above the dwc bucket but 2 feet above the coco. I may have to get risers for the coco bags to get everyone the same height from the light. I tried removing the shells but they won't budge...also tried water droplets to no avail. I guess they'll shed em when they're good n ready.
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Day 8...started light feeding of CalMag, Nova grow & RapidStart. Using ro water, reading was 350ppm. Res temp is is 6.1. So I decided to hold off on the Floralicious+ til next week. I'm not too concerned about the coco grow but the dwc makes me nervous. I've got no experience with hydro so I'm learning as i go. Hopefully this light feeding wont cause any catastrophic damage...I'll find out soon enough I guess
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Day 10...Walter White doing well in coco, Samsquanch is popping thru the surface & after adjusting ph from 6.5 to 5.8 in the DWC the Ripley's OG is doing a lil better. I lowered the res water level to 2" below the netpot. I've got good enough aeration that the bottom 1" of hydroton is still kept wet. I'm on a light feed...350ppm
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I’ve heard great things about those QB lights! Fellow noob here, but I wonder if maybe they’re a little too close? Maybe notch them up a few inches?

I didn’t realize you were in your second week. You can go at a quarter or half strength off the flora nova schedule, just keep everything in proportion. So if full strength calmag is 3mL, cut that in half as well.

I hope you love the DWC. You can grow monsters. They are calmag hogs, especially under the LEDs. I aim for a pH of 5.8 as well. Here is a pic of my girls in the 4x4: a GG4 at 86 days on the left and 2 NLs at 56 days.
I’ve heard great things about those QB lights! Fellow noob here, but I wonder if maybe they’re a little too close? Maybe notch them up a few inches?

I didn’t realize you were in your second week. You can go at a quarter or half strength off the flora nova schedule, just keep everything in proportion. So if full strength calmag is 3mL, cut that in half as well.

I hope you love the DWC. You can grow monsters. They are calmag hogs, especially under the LEDs. I aim for a pH of 5.8 as well. Here is a pic of my girls in the 4x4: a GG4 at 86 days on the left and 2 NLs at 56 days.
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Yea I can't believe the growth in the dwc! If mine get anywhere near that big I'll be outta space...good problem to have! The reason I did the side by side grow was to see if dwc could live up to the hype...clearly it's the way to go. The plant overall is healthier than her cousin in the coco & watching the roots grow in the reservoir is just plain fun. I'll definitely scale up to 3 buckets next grow.
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