Lighting 1st LED grow. 2 think different in shared DWC reservoir. Scrog or not to scrog, that is the quest

28g lower bud.
0.5 ltr pure alcohol
1.1 ltr olive oil.

Soak bud in alcohol over night.
Strain plant matter
In a saucepan. Very gently heat the alcohol on NON FLAME electric hot plate OUT DOORS
reduce the liquid volume by 9/10
Add olive oil or cod liver oil to pan.
Heat till the mixture has no alcohol smell.
Reduce heat to minimum and heat for 1 hour.
Stand to cool.

Sounds easy and i'll try it next time i have some popcorn nugs...but i'll use cold pressed hemp seed oil instead of olive...with the added canabinoids it will be great for pain relief in my bones :)