Lighting 1st LED grow. 2 think different in shared DWC reservoir. Scrog or not to scrog, that is the quest

by the lloks of things, they still have a wile to go. what about the trichs? what color, are they milky and falling over?
by the lloks of things, they still have a wile to go. what about the trichs? what color, are they milky and falling over?

hi guys, americano56, I have not looked at the trichs yet as I think I agree with you in that there is a while to go yet. I was wanting to harvest around boxing day, but I am thinking they might want to go longer than 90 days!

Does anyone have experience of TD going longer than 90?
thinkf different under GN006 x 2

well I was wanting to have them down by boxing day, but it looks to me more like new year at the earliest

Awesome job bro the big girls do take a little longer mine went to day 97 I think.

thanks for that taNg. I was hopping someone would wade in. By my count they will be on 90 days on new year eve. TOO LONG TO WAIT!!!

"Feeling SAD..?"
think different cannabis capsules

28g lower bud.
0.5 ltr pure alcohol
1.1 ltr olive oil.

Soak bud in alcohol over night.
Strain plant matter
In a saucepan. Very gently heat the alcohol on NON FLAME electric hot plate OUT DOORS
reduce the liquid volume by 9/10
Add olive oil or cod liver oil to pan.
Heat till the mixture has no alcohol smell.
Reduce heat to minimum and heat for 1 hour.
Stand to cool.


Dispense oil into 100, 00 size gelatin capsules at 1ml per cap


fill old cod liver oil container with capsules.

Eat, wait 40 minutes, ENJOY