stoned, elephant.
New Gear
So I was at about 12% Relative Humidity as of today (6 days after planting germinated seed). Below are the girls this morning and the fogy picture is this afternoon after I got the badboy up and running.
about 3PM I raised humidity from 12% to 70% and I have left the humidifier on to maintain. It is quite fogy and I wanted to know if their is any worry about getting the area so humid of any dangers with the bulb or ballast.
The humidifier drops the temperature from 24c to 19.5c. I plan on lowering the light in a couple days so that will increase the temp. I am thinking to start to use a fan at the time I lower the light.
Also, today I watered. This was the first proper water I have done since I (being the noob I am) did not water the medium before planting the germinated seed. So I have been watering with a spoon and keeping the top moist with a spray bottle the last 4 days. But today I PH- ´d rain water to 6.1-6.4 and watered each one about 4 cups full. Water never touched the stem but I got as closely as I thought was reasonable. I plan to not water for at least two days.
I feel that the girls are liking a more humid environment and the water they received today. i will continue to take pictures as often as I can and keep notes of what I am doing daily.


So I was at about 12% Relative Humidity as of today (6 days after planting germinated seed). Below are the girls this morning and the fogy picture is this afternoon after I got the badboy up and running.
about 3PM I raised humidity from 12% to 70% and I have left the humidifier on to maintain. It is quite fogy and I wanted to know if their is any worry about getting the area so humid of any dangers with the bulb or ballast.
The humidifier drops the temperature from 24c to 19.5c. I plan on lowering the light in a couple days so that will increase the temp. I am thinking to start to use a fan at the time I lower the light.
Also, today I watered. This was the first proper water I have done since I (being the noob I am) did not water the medium before planting the germinated seed. So I have been watering with a spoon and keeping the top moist with a spray bottle the last 4 days. But today I PH- ´d rain water to 6.1-6.4 and watered each one about 4 cups full. Water never touched the stem but I got as closely as I thought was reasonable. I plan to not water for at least two days.
I feel that the girls are liking a more humid environment and the water they received today. i will continue to take pictures as often as I can and keep notes of what I am doing daily.
