1st grow - setup and plan feedback

Jul 26, 2019
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Hey Guys, I am starting my 1st grow soon - have ordered the seds and all the equip which should be here next week. I would really appreciate you guys taking a look at my plan and how i'm approaching this and FEEDBACK!

Here's what i got:
- RQS quick one (I'm a noob so)
- Grow tent 2'x2'x4'
- 300W Mastergrow LED
- vent-in + exhaust + carbon filter
- 2 gallon fabric pots
- potting soil at my local store that has coco, vermiculite, perlite, some other organic manure and they said it has macro and micro nutes in it.

plus I got ph testes, ph meter for soil, humidity/temp checking stuff. Neem oil for the pests, Seaweed extract for plants and Bloom supplements incase.

- seeds in water for 18-24 hrs
- then into peat pellets ( I really don't wanna touch the germinated seeds in paper towel)
cover the pellets, keep the humidity high, put them in warm and dark spot.
- once they're poking the head out, put the whole pellet in soil, water (with seaweed additive cause I heard they help the roots). Turn lights on. planning on a 18-6 cycle.
- week 2-4 attempt LST
- Flower time decrease humidity (still figuring out how i'll do it without getting a dehumidifier).
- Flush a week before harvest.

This is the general plan guys, I know some shit is gonna go sideways. But I would love some advice on if I am doing something majorly wrong in my head before starting out. THANKS A LOT!!!
that has coco, vermiculite, perlite,
That looks like a soiless medium to me and if true, you treat it like hydro. 6.8 ph will be too high. 5.7-6.0 will be better, or thereabouts.
( I really don't wanna touch the germinated seeds in paper towel)
FYI: when I did the paper towel method, I used a tweezer to drop seed into medium.

To double check, your carbon filter cfm must be the same as the inline fan or higher, which is preferable.
That looks like a soiless medium to me and if true, you treat it like hydro. 6.8 ph will be too high. 5.7-6.0 will be better, or thereabouts.
Hey - thanks for that. Yea ur right - so I really wanna grow in soil cause my tap water has a ph of 6.8 and I don't wanna ammend ph. So I found a soil at the nursery that has the following composition : Soil, Perlite, Vermiculite, Cocopeat, Vermicompost, Bone Meal.
And I will add plant feed that has all Macro and micro nutes with more N at the vegetative stage, and add bloom nutes that have more phos and K at flowering stage.

You think this would work. Should I also test the ph of the soil - I got a meter but don't know what number I am looking for?

To double check, your carbon filter cfm must be the same as the inline fan or higher, which is preferable.
Yea got that confirmed.
Hey Guys, I am starting my 1st grow soon - have ordered the seds and all the equip which should be here next week. I would really appreciate you guys taking a look at my plan and how i'm approaching this and FEEDBACK!

Here's what i got:
- RQS quick one (I'm a noob so)
- Grow tent 2'x2'x4'
- 300W Mastergrow LED
- vent-in + exhaust + carbon filter
- 2 gallon fabric pots
- potting soil at my local store that has coco, vermiculite, perlite, some other organic manure and they said it has macro and micro nutes in it.

plus I got ph testes, ph meter for soil, humidity/temp checking stuff. Neem oil for the pests, Seaweed extract for plants and Bloom supplements incase.

- seeds in water for 18-24 hrs
- then into peat pellets ( I really don't wanna touch the germinated seeds in paper towel)
cover the pellets, keep the humidity high, put them in warm and dark spot.
- once they're poking the head out, put the whole pellet in soil, water (with seaweed additive cause I heard they help the roots). Turn lights on. planning on a 18-6 cycle.
- week 2-4 attempt LST
- Flower time decrease humidity (still figuring out how i'll do it without getting a dehumidifier).
- Flush a week before harvest.

This is the general plan guys, I know some shit is gonna go sideways. But I would love some advice on if I am doing something majorly wrong in my head before starting out. THANKS A LOT!!!

heya @Daniel2563 and :welcome: to afn! :toke: yup, u got everything soundin great on paper, but of course, the actual application & experience alwayz endz up bein a whole other matter, haha :rofl: tip -> when takin germed bean from paper towel, jus snap on a rubber glove & be gentle is all :thumbsup: and best ph for soil is uzually 6.5-6.8

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :greenthumb:
heya @Daniel2563 and :welcome: to afn! :toke: yup, u got everything soundin great on paper, but of course, the actual application & experience alwayz endz up bein a whole other matter, haha :rofl: tip -> when takin germed bean from paper towel, jus snap on a rubber glove & be gentle is all :thumbsup: and best ph for soil is uzually 6.5-6.8

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :greenthumb:
Thanks man! yea I learned everything from AFN - this forum's pretty awesome
Thanks man! yea I learned everything from AFN - this forum's pretty awesome

it is indeed :thumbsup: be sure & tag me in when u start a journal ;) ppp
Setup sounds great. Organic soil medium is the best to learn from being your first grow. I’m in the same boat but I’m a couple of weeks from finishing mine. One word of advice is don’t overdo the watering. For me it’s the most important thing being a noob. At the organic section you got a great grow diary from mr duck commander. Nutrients and feeding chart are on page 8. I followed that as a base and didn’t run in any trouble at all. I might add I used BioBizz light mix soil and BioBizz nutes. They are a bit lighter then other makes so a bit more forgiving for us noobs. Good luck with the grow and feel free to tag me along your journey. I didn’t keep a diary this time which I’m regretting now but will do so on my next run in September. Good luck mate. Peace. :pighug::pass::welcome:
You think this would work. Should I also test the ph of the soil - I got a meter but don't know what number I am looking for?
You should be fine with that medium. You might like it, you might not. It's all part of the learning curve when a new grower.

Test "runoff" to see what the ph is coming out and whether you'll need to adjust ph. For instance, if you water with a target of ph 6.8 and runoff measures 7.5, you'll need to drop the ph going in for next feeding so it comes out at or very near 6.8.

Regarding flushing at end of grow, soil normally takes two weeks. Coco is one week. I personally haven't tasted much difference between flushing end of grow or nutes to the end of grow. It's one of those some do, some don't kind of deals.
You should be fine with that medium. You might like it, you might not. It's all part of the learning curve when a new grower.

Test "runoff" to see what the ph is coming out and whether you'll need to adjust ph. For instance, if you water with a target of ph 6.8 and runoff measures 7.5, you'll need to drop the ph going in for next feeding so it comes out at or very near 6.8.

Regarding flushing at end of grow, soil normally takes two weeks. Coco is one week. I personally haven't tasted much difference between flushing end of grow or nutes to the end of grow. It's one of those some do, some don't kind of deals.

Thanks for that man. For flushing I am basically thinking once the trichomes start to turn milky i'll start it till I see few amber. But I'll give that more thought later, right now I'm just worried about germ/sprout and making it to veg.

For ph I have a digital soil meter (cost me like $50 so i hope its good). I was wondering rather than run-off can't i just test the soil ph? Also whats the magic number here - am I aiming for 6.8 in the soil as well. I read somewhere that soil should be 6-6.2. I am super confused about the 3 different ph needs - water/soil/runoff - help pls.
For flushing I am basically thinking once the trichomes start to turn milky i'll start it till I see few amber.
Harvest with milky trichomes if you want a less couch-lock type high. Harvest with more amber trichomes for a more couch-lock type high. By the way, you will want to add 1 or 2 weeks to the published grow time. That's basically a consistent growers standard.
I was wondering rather than run-off can't i just test the soil ph?
You can do that. Depending on meter, one can also perform a slurry test. Several ways and soooooo damn many meters that are all a bit different from one another. Hey, if you run into problems, you can always check run off at that juncture.
I aiming for 6.8 in the soil as well. I read somewhere that soil should be 6-6.2
The entire ph swing for soil is 6.0-7.0. Start at 6.2 or 6.5 etc and see how she reacts, hopefully keeping deficiencies at bay. You don't have to adhere to the same ph number each watering. You have wiggle room.