1st grow. Puzzled. Please Help!!

It is probably like with children, the first one gets you all worried about everything and with the second one you already know that they don't break as easy as you thought :coffee: , at least, that's what my friends say XD :woohoo1:

I actually meant fatter not longer :P, although the leaf issues worry me, the fact that the buds keep getting fatter is a relief.
I too think that the light is too close, managed to get it as far as 10,5 inches with some tying, but that's as far as it will go, at least until the two little girls are harvested (which will happen next week) and more room becomes available.

I didn't do the proper run off method again as explained by @Waira in his topic. Yesterday's fed was around 6,8ph and the runoff around 6,2. I too believe (from my newbie perspective) that this might be a lockout since there are many different sympthoms. Will try to grab a soil probe tomorrow to be sure of what's going on down there.:bow:

thanks a lot mate!
:yeahthat:-- I'm with HM here,... A few things going on at once with her: normal tapping of fan leaves for nutrients, especially N; light intensity as described above; some pH acidity issues,... I saw the pH info... odd that you had 6.8 feed pH? Or did you adjust it to that? If not, when did you last calibrate your pH meter? Are you using a proper storage solution too? At least it indicates that it's likely a bot too acidic in there,... it all might be moot though, she's looking pretty close to ready; have you looked at the trichomes yet? I see lots of dried pistils now, so you need to see what the colors are like on them... clear, cloudy, amber (if any yet); check out several buds when assessing, and give your best guess at over balance of these color states,.... :cool1:
We use drops to measure PH. After adding the normal dose of nutrients to tap water I get a solution close under 7 (very lucky!!) according to the drops charts, and the run off was a bit above 6.. should have said 6,8ish probably.

Can't do much more about the light after moving the twin cola a few inches farther. However, the other big cola which is far from the light has decoloring top leaves as well.. nitrogen depletion starts at the bottom right? Maybe some iron defc, dunno. I'll guess I'll settle with this as long as nothing terrible starts happening. Next growth will be less crowded, probably 4 plants in 5sqft instead of 6 like with this one which will give more room to LST and get colas down.
Trichomes are half cloudy, checked them with a 60x magnifier, being sativas I thought of harvesting when a few ambar ones show for a more balanced high.
The dwarfed ones will be cut this week.. was about to do it last weekend but new growth spurted with nice white new pistils so thought of giving them a few more days.

Thanks a lot guys!