Hey there
First off...

to AFN!! Chill out and have a
First of all, never ever flush an organic soil. It's just not necessary

I presume you used the 'just add water' approach yeah?
View attachment 1553309
Well, then there is enough in the soil to last you the entire grow. Use the BIO PK 5-8 the last three to four weeks of flower. And start at half the dose.
Never use cal/mag as the Silicium Flash is full with it and you've added 50gr. already... only when you start to see deficiencies (not deficiency caused by excess) is it recommended to top dress with Silicium flash.
I find that the 15L line in the chart above works best for auto's, at least strength wise this results in soil that's almost nutrient free when your grow is finished so you can reuse the soil again and again.
But that was all theory and not much worth for you right now...What i would do is the following.
- Set aside 5L tapwater so the Chlorine can evaporate the coming days.
- per pot/plant, use two teaspoons of Mycotrex and spread that on top of the soil and work it several centimeters/one inch into the soil.
- Put a heatmat underneath your pots. This will help in evaporate the water in the waterlogged soil, but look out that the temperature doesn't go beyond 25°C, which I find is to hot for the roots, but not doing anything will result in acidification and pH issues.
- Next, and this is the most important thing...Wait and weigh the pots every day until they are dry enough to be watered again.
- When needed use the tapwater you set aside and add 5 teaspoons of Bactrex to it. If you also have the Orgatrex, you can add 20ml of that to the mix. If you don't have Orgatrex, add two teaspoons of molasses, this will at least have the benefit of feeding the bacteria in the Bactrex, but it doesn't have the other additives of course...
- Now water the solution slowly into the pots. Do this slowly as to prevent dry spots in the soil. You want the soil to be wet entirely without it being waterlogged... If you're not sure, use a shot glass or a piece of air tubing to water with...That way you can never give to much in one go. Weigh your pots during and feel if it's watered enough. You'll get the feel of it, I promise

- Now wait some more, after giving the water with Bactrex and Orgatrex the plants should start to come by and return some color.
Goodluck mate!!