New Grower 1st Grow, Multi-strain Madness.

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Looks like you'll have another nice harvest in a few weeks. They are looking very nice.
Great looking plants Big J :drool: I guess some people are just born with a green :thumbs:
Cheers for the kind comments and likes, guys. I'm not sure about a green thumb FM, I think I've just been lucky. So far I've grown without knowing the PH so I'm guessing my tap water must be pretty good for growing. I will be investing in a PH metre soon though so I can get my future grows bang on.

A question about soil growing - is there such thing as a nutrient meter for soil so I can measure exactly how much nutrients to give them?

It's now day 58 in the tent. And things are still looking good. A lot of the bigger fan leaves have died a came off with the slightest of contact and I have encountered a new, but good problem. On the RRR the buds have become too heavy and have needed to be tied up... Oh no, what a problem... ahhaha.

Anyway, a few pics. Good day to you all.


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Luck? Dude luck is when you roll a 6 playing Monopoly, what you have done with your grows my modest friend is awesome! :bow:
Thanks for your kind comments. Quick update, I'm pretty stoned so I won't be giving to much detail. It's day 62 in the Big Johnny tent. I've given the girls their final watering, with no nutes - not for flushing purposes, i just didn't see the point in using up nutes for the final feed. Most of the big fan leaves have died and dropped off and now the smaller leaves are finishing off. All of the plants have about 90% brown/red pistols now, you can't tell from the pics but the RRRs are displaying some really interesting colours, sort of red/purple/pink. Looks sweet tbv. Anyway, a few obligatory pics...


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Problems. The girl in the flat upstairs has complained about the smell of weed. She said her whole flat stank of it. This was whilst i was harvesting. I may have to quit my new hobby, I can't risk getting busted.
There are ways around that. For instance, if you've got a bathroom with a vent fan it might be possible to hook up a carbon filter to it. Do your harvesting in there. Or buy a 4" in line fan and carbon filter and set them up in a bedroom or other small room. Harvest in there with the fan running so you are circulating the air in that room through the filter. You can pick up the fan and filter for around $120 so not a huge investment.
What about an ozone machine? I have one that I brought for a heavily smoked in car and it totally got rid of the smell, not sure if could be used in this situation, if it can it will work.

Nice grow with your plants. Huge heads!!
Hi guys, thanks for your comments and advice.

Muddy, I was thinking about your suggestion about harvesting in my bedroom (where the tent is anyway) and attaching a carbon filter to a 4" fan. I already have a 4" fan that's not in use so all I'd need is a carbon filter. Would this be sufficient? I'm massively paranoid now even about opening the tent... it's not bloody healthy hahaha. What I was thinking, was building a wooden frame the height and width of the tent, covering it in some kind of material to create a porch like area where I can enter it to gain access to my tent and also harvest and such like in it. I'd have the secondary fan and filter extracting from that. Or is that over kill?

Not sure about a ozone machine FM, there doesn't seem to be much advice online about it except a lot of people seem to think they are dangerous. I would prefer to try and contain the smell and filter it like I mentioned above.