Good question. Judging from two grows now, they are great for younger/smaller plants, but maybe too soft for bigger/sturdier ones. This grow, once the plants started hitting flowering and their branches and stems were getting real thick and tough, some of the branches loosened up their wires and broke free

Judging by your last Glueberry, maybe they are too soft for you :smoking:. However, once you get them in position and open them up, maybe it doesn't matter so much anymore.
One more thing, on the GBOG 2 picture in that post, you can see to the left the green soft garden wire and to the right another wire. This too is a garden wire, but much harder and tougher, resembling a fence because it isn't coated with another material. Those ones didn't move a milimeter, but left some minor scars in the branches.
In conclusion, ideally you should find a hard wire, like the second one, that is coated with a soft material

Can I bullshit or what