New Grower 1st Aeroponics build-Cheese XXL Auto grow

Started my system build today. Not much yet. Happy with what I have done so far.:headbang: Next getting sprinkler system up in tope and a drainage velve flowing to res. I have been freaking out about res temps with pump heat. Been reading up on ways to keep it low. Has anyone have experience with using ice packs? My friend has a coiling system that runs through a fridge. Unfortunately I building on a budget.
Most guys will put their pump on an Interval Timer say 5 or 10 minutes on followed by 5 or 10 minutes off. You don't have to continuously spray nutrient water at the plant roots you just need to have it running at least half the time. You can reduce temperatures quite a bit that way.

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If that's not enough by itself a six pack of 1 L of water bottles thrown in the freezer and then daily changed and you'll be fine. I guess to be a little bit more clear you can put the frozen water bottle right down in your Reservoir.

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Most guys will put their pump on an Interval Timer say 5 or 10 minutes on followed by 5 or 10 minutes off. You don't have to continuously spray nutrient water at the plant roots you just need to have it running at least half the time. You can reduce temperatures quite a bit that way.

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Thanks Jingo. I was planing to put a timer on the pump. Most articles I read said my res temp will still climb. Will definately do the frozen bottle idea.

Is there anyway I can change my journal title?

I want to use this thread for my entire build process and grow. I have navigated around and cant find anything to edit.

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Hey bro, Welcome to The Forum. I've never been much of a fan of rockwool myself. It's difficult to get ph balanced and getting the excess water out can be a little bit tricky at first. A lot of guys will squeeze those cubes to get it out which is exactly wrong. You really need to kind of shake them down word you don't want to crush all the air pockets in your rockwool.

However, I really like General Hydroponics rapid rooters they're the correct pH, they work really well. If you were planning to fill those net pots with rockwool as your substrate, you could just use Rapid rooters and some clay Pebbles thoroughly washed clay Pebbles. They tend to be a little alkaline.

But, don't let my unreasonable hatred of Rockwall guide your decision. It's always best to execute your plan and then make changes as you go.

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My experience is that Rapid Rooters are the best way to germinate seeds.
Touch the seeds once when inserting them into RRs. No seed soaking or paper towels.
When sprouts begin, give them weak light and high humidity.
After roots show, put RR+Sprout into final destination.
Thanks Jingo. I was planing to put a timer on the pump. Most articles I read said my res temp will still climb. Will definately do the frozen bottle idea.

Is there anyway I can change my journal title?

I want to use this thread for my entire build process and grow. I have navigated around and cant find anything to edit.

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I think the simplest way to change your thread title would probably be to just use the report post feature on one of your posts. Maybe just put it on your first post and say please change the title of this thread and then whatever mod comes along will take care of that for you.

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My experience is that Rapid Rooters are the best way to germinate seeds.
Touch the seeds once when inserting them into RRs. No seed soaking or paper towels.
When sprouts begin, give them weak light and high humidity.
After roots show, put RR+Sprout into final destination.

Thanks bro! Cleared not watering up the RR for me and incubation period :smoking:
@jingo @Need4Weed Not sure if you guys could help me. Busy setting up a little grow manual of good practice. Just to guide myself. So much info everywhere I want to make sure I have it as refference when needed. If my grow works out I will definately share it. Sure some beginers out there would find it helpfull.

When I started planning my grow I was ambitious and didnt think of res temp, pathogens, lockout etc - My eyes have opened and I have realised that my work is cut out for me to make sure that my grow environment is on game.

Well I have now read more about PPM and monitoring it. I get the feeling most aim over 500ppm in their res to keep plants happy. Is there any guide on PPM within the various stages or do I take the 500PPM as a standard or a minimum? I have read many threads and it seems to be more strain related and grower pref.
Ive seen guys push it high with theirs and in the same breath they like WOOOAAAA need to push it down a bit.

I will be going 1/4 flora nutes when I start in the system and im sure this wont give me a high PPM reading - This will prob give me a low reading? So when I eventually up my nutes I just need to make sure I understand the best PPM mark to maintain a healthy plant.

We dont have hydroguard here in my country. A long time grower friend of mine suggested food grade hydrogen peroxide. Any experience with this?
@jingo @Need4Weed Not sure if you guys could help me. Busy setting up a little grow manual of good practice. Just to guide myself. So much info everywhere I want to make sure I have it as refference when needed. If my grow works out I will definately share it. Sure some beginers out there would find it helpfull.

When I started planning my grow I was ambitious and didnt think of res temp, pathogens, lockout etc - My eyes have opened and I have realised that my work is cut out for me to make sure that my grow environment is on game.

Well I have now read more about PPM and monitoring it. I get the feeling most aim over 500ppm in their res to keep plants happy. Is there any guide on PPM within the various stages or do I take the 500PPM as a standard or a minimum? I have read many threads and it seems to be more strain related and grower pref.
Ive seen guys push it high with theirs and in the same breath they like WOOOAAAA need to push it down a bit.

I will be going 1/4 flora nutes when I start in the system and im sure this wont give me a high PPM reading - This will prob give me a low reading? So when I eventually up my nutes I just need to make sure I understand the best PPM mark to maintain a healthy plant.

We dont have hydroguard here in my country. A long time grower friend of mine suggested food grade hydrogen peroxide. Any experience with this?
I'm going to be kind of busy this morning so I'll get back to you in a couple hours. I have used food grade hydrogen peroxide 2 mil per gallon in the reservoir that works good. Food grade is usually up around 30% hydrogen peroxide not your normal stuff you find in the in the pharmacy. Sm-90 is really great in the reservoir it's like hydroguard and available in more areas lately.

There is indeed a schedule for determining your proper nutrient quantities and it is really simple to use once you understand it, but I'll have to hunt around and see if I can find a good copy. I know we have one here on the website in our Hydro section, there is a area of just useful things to hydro Growers. It's just there's been so many changes on the form lately I don't know have a clue where that is anymore.

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I'm going to be kind of busy this morning so I'll get back to you in a couple hours. I have used food grade hydrogen peroxide 2 mil per gallon in the reservoir that works good. Food grade is usually up around 30% hydrogen peroxide not your normal stuff you find in the in the pharmacy. Sm-90 is really great in the reservoir it's like hydroguard and available in more areas lately.

There is indeed a schedule for determining your proper nutrient quantities and it is really simple to use once you understand it, but I'll have to hunt around and see if I can find a good copy. I know we have one here on the website in our Hydro section, there is a area of just useful things to hydro Growers. It's just there's been so many changes on the form lately I don't know have a clue where that is anymore.

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Thanx Jingo. I litrally just finished reading a thread where a guy didnt cover his res exposing it to light and using just Sm-90 and ended up with a very bad root slime, ended with plant dead. I cant find SM-90 over on my side either.

As for the PPM, im starting to gage the required level after realising how important it is. As I havnt started growing I can not really understand it. It seem to be a start of low and and go high watching the plant experiment. I have looked all over AFN and cant seem to find a regular guide - Would be awesome if you could find a link.

Really appreciate your time!!!!
Thanks for the tag @AeroJay, but I've never done dwc. I'm on my 4th coco grow, so I'm still not confident to give much advice! Actually, I want to try dwc one day and I'm just soaking up the knowledge! Good luck! :headbang: