Outdoor 12,000 autoflower plants

200 - 300 a pound?! What the!!!!! I need 10 right meow! Lmao
Welcome to oregon I get ounces of fire all the time no more then 50 $ ever at a store .
Are you running coco or soil there? Sick irrigation setup!

Why all the tarp on the ground?

Hope things are cruising along nicely for you.

It is sunshine [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] which is a soiless mix with PH adjusters and water retention capsules. Its great for people like me who have a background in hydro. The "tarp" on the ground is nursery cloth and it keeps weeds from growing up and overtaking the weed. :p
Getting close to the first harvest! Not big plants but theres a lot of em :)