
  1. Jack Nastyface

    New Grower Let's try this again... 1st Grow Nirvana Bubblicious, Outdoor, Native Soil, Organic

    I started a journal in the Outdoor Grow section and haven't gotten much traffic. Here's the link... I'm moving the rest of the journal here in hopes of getting more feedback as to how things are...
  2. L0wbob2017

    Almost everything about Soil

    So i started to learn about soil and i wanted to go into details. What i found i wanted to share here. Soil As early as 5000BC, the Vedas and Upanishad as well as other Indian literature mentioned soil as synonymous with land – the Mother – supporting and nourishing all life on earth. For a...
  3. neurotree

    Photoperiod Neuro's Black Afghani Kush and Crop Doctor mainlined

    Hey Fam, I've been slowly mainlining these bushes as my autos did their thing. Now that the tent is clear for the most part and trellis up, time to flip em over to flowering. These girls were started from seed on 4/20 with the exceptions of the two shorties which are clones from the best of...
  4. Jack Nastyface

    Outdoor 1st Time Grow! Outdoor, Native Soil, Nirvana Bubblicious...

    Hello, friends! This is my first ever grow of our beloved plant. My setup is pretty simple... Outdoor vegetable garden in native soil. Our temperatures are averaging between 85 to 92 degrees since I started the grow. We've had regular rainfall and humidity averaging in the 60 to 75 percent...
  5. WeedSmokerEire

    Live Stoners HELLOOO AFN! I'm Back.....

    Not so much as an intro more of a homecoming lol, started posting here over a year ago with 4 RQS Northern Light Auto in a 4 pot Wilma set up. Unfortunately heat was a big issue in the reservoir so the quality wasn't the greatest. Anyway I thought I'd come back with a new set up and new...
  6. mintberrycrunch

    Indoor One Tent to Rule Them All ~Shablagoo!~

    What uppppp AFN So I've got about a dozen grows under my belt now. Started in CFL's- moved to mars hydro LED's, considered HPS, but am now going with @BigSm0 's killer AutoCob's. Currently purchasing all my hardware for a tent that's finally done the right way. Previously I ran 2x 150w mars...
  7. TaTHC

    Live Stoners First ever real grow when should I start flush

    Hey I got this electric fruit auto's about to finish it's 9th week it's an 8-9 week strain so I was gonna give one feed of mollasses only then just water for the next week or 2.what do yall's hard checking with microscope I got a shaky hand
  8. Scirzo

    Indoor Auto Seeds' Ultra Lemon Haze in a 23"x23"x41" cabinet

    :bighug: Hi guys! After the great result I got from my first grow, I'm ready for the next. For those interested, the journal of my first grow can be found here: You all seem to like as many details as possible, so...
  9. N

    Live Stoners Outdoor autoflowers newbie

    Hey new to the site and growing was planning on growing some 6 shooters (crystal meth/Columbia air lines) autoflowers outside, will probably germinate in early June. I will be getting 14-15 hours of sunlight for my season, beginning in June and in August the sun light will obviously become...
  10. Noons

    Indoor Multi strain, led, amended soil sog tent

    Hi from down under, all! I have been a member for a few months and have learned a lot from you so far. I have just started my second grow and will be running a journal to share my progress. This is my second grow, my first was a photo dwc og that turned out great. However with a lot of help...
  11. Scirzo

    Indoor Happy noob's first grow. Come and join me!

    Hi folks at AFN! I'm all new and was posting my introduction on that forum, when I realized that what I was doing after a few posts was posting a grow journal. And then I thought I'd better stop over there and start one here, right? As it should be. This is my setup. There's a carbon filter...
  12. C

    Live Stoners Smart pots? MH/HPS? New autogrower, need tips :)

    Hey all, I'm new to growing indoors entirely, I've only ever grown outdoors, so I'm in need of some advice. I have a grow tent, 400w ballast, glass tube & reflector, 2 bulbs (1x MH and 1x HPS), duct, fan etc. I recently started reading about autoflowering seeds, and thought this might be a good...
  13. ClockworkOrange

    Photoperiod SanLight S4W LED Review on organic soil by Clockwork Orange

    Righty right boys and girls, some may heard about this lights some may not. One way or another there is almost no grow review on the whole world wide web for these so this should be a pleasure to all you who seek for knowledge and comparisons when it comes to the best LEDs on the market...
  14. Noons

    Aussie organic soil

    Hi all, just wanted to share my experience for any newer Aussie growers out there looking to try and make a quality organic soil. After my first grow (a photo og kush in dwc) I was looking to move to organic soil. I started looking at subcool's mix. This got me reading more recipes and now I'm...
  15. E

    New Grower Sour Crack

    Hi guys and gals Ive just got me some Sour Crack seeds, a 10 litre air pot and some Dutch Pro nutes. I know I have to be careful with feeding. I have two 105w 6500 kelvin tube CFLs and will be growing in soil in a homemade box in the loft. A couple of questions (of many no doubt!) What soil...
  16. treetopper

    Organic Soil I can plant directly into

    Hey Buds, I'm going to do a treetop grow this summer and ideally I don't want to have to do much more than water my auto-flower plants weekly throughout the summer. My problem is that I want to plant seed directly into the final pot and not germinate prior to planting and it seems like with a...
  17. MANNIK

    Mephisto Genetics First auto grow and Mephisto is here for the ride

    Hello all. Just making a progress post for my first auto grow. Looking for a little feedback and discussion about how my girls are looking. This is day #17 for the oldest girl (center). The youngest is about 2 days behind that. The strains are Auto Triangle Kush (center, bottom right) and the...
  18. HitzFromDaKine

    Live Stoners Hitz Growing Some Trees

    Doing the intro thing. Found this through some guys over at r/autoflowers on Reddit. AFN seems to have far more action than over there and I am trying to be part of that Auto Life. I will have to get some pictures of my grow and bang out a journal and soon, but in the meantime let me do the...
  19. B

    Indoor What led should I get for autoflower?

    I'm starting up my medical grow again after a few year's off... I'm going to start with some autoflowers but they are competently new to me and been doing research on them for sure...just don't got a ton of money to spend right offor the bat on lights....I'm doing two 5x5 tents with 6" intake...
  20. Showsey Ganja

    Indoor Showsey Ganja's Grow Journal No.1

    Artwork by Me by Showsey Ganja posted Jan 23, 2017 at 5:59 PM Hello and welcome to my grow journal. I have done one greenhouse grow when I was a teenager it was one huge bush! and 2 auto grows recently. After much research I built a room in my loft from scratch and had great success with...