
  1. CoviklaFlaire

    Indoor I'm bored

    I'm so bored and I have one almost failed grow going.. I bought some organic bricked soil intending to use with my @Biotabs F69 starting kit that I got as A Gift from @Biotabs F69 , but My stoner brain forgot where I hide it, and I had to start with some bio granulated fert that came with...
  2. Waxer

    New Grower Waxy's Quantum Ikea Cab- White Widow XXL

    How's it hangin, friends?!:bighug: Seeing as this will be my first indoor grow (and first logged grow on AFN,) I figured I would go ahead and park myself next to everyone else in line to learn! We're already a few days in so lets get it started shall we? So I'll start by mentioning a but about...
  3. F

    Live Stoners The intro of all intros! Or something like that...

    Hello AFN community! New to the site but seeing i was so glad to find this site, found articles within useful AND wish to be a long time member i thought it apt to introduce myself. I'm a 26yr old male Scottish gardener. I started gardening at the age of 10 (No, not cannabis lol) beginning with...
  4. WeedNoob

    Grow Mediums Watering plants using arduino :)

    Hey everybody, I'm about to get started an arduino project that should make eve thing automatic. I will start from the watering system. As soon as I will get eve thing sorted I will share all the details with you guys of course :) My biggest problem at the moment is to figure out what are the...
  5. wanri1732

    Indoor Speed Buds & Dinafem Cheese XXL - QB288 260W - 2x4 - Goal to 250Grams

    Hi.... This is my 1st Grow. 3 Speed Buds from Female Seeds. Speed Bud 1 - 3 Weeks Speed Bud 2 - 3 Weeks Speed Bud 3 - 1 Week (New baby) 1 Cheese XXL Auto from Dinafem Room Setup : 288 Quantem Board 260W Light 4*2*5 Tent 6inch Exhaust Fan A/C @ 27celcius temp. - I live in a hot country...
  6. WeedNoob

    Grow Mediums Best soil for Autoflower

    Hi everybody, i'm a newbie, and i'm trying to figure out what's the best soil for autos. First of all I have to say that I won't use any artificial light, they will be exposed to day light but in indoor envoirment. After some research it seems clear few important points about choosing the soil...
  7. TheMongol

    Grow Mediums Guideline how to use the Supersoil Flo " Florganics"

    The organic supersoil " Flo " was created and designed for photoperiod canna plants by a professional gardener, who got tired mixing up costly nutes every day spending a lot of time with it. He took more then 5 years to create Flo. First the facts, what´s in it: organic NPK fertilizer 2-3-2...
  8. Peter750

    New Grower My first grow,need overlooking

    Please forgive me for my English. My name is Peter and I'm a newcomer in growing, but I need a strong cannabis for my back pain and for a sick girl and im sick off local dealers :) The purpose is to breed 3x DINAFEM White Widow XXL in 120 cm x 120 cm x 200 cm large tent. I will use 10 L Air pots...
  9. Wietie

    Dinafem First grow: White Widow Autoflowering CBD

    This is my first grow ever. As I suffer from osteoporosis I want to grow several CBD strains to make my own oil. I have very little to no experience at all in growing weed, 30 years ago I had a plant in my garden, that's it, I read a lot the last couple of weeks and wanted to give it a try so...
  10. NoobGr0wer


    hey guys, So I’m not 100% sure if I’m posting this in the right place, but please let me know if I’m not. I’m new to growing, and gardening of any sort, in fact I’m even new to forums. This is my first grow, super skunk auto from Sensi Seeds, under a mars hydro 300 LED, in soil by ganeco...
  11. gringuito98

    Indoor Watering on soil for beginners or those with problems

    Do you have a green thumb? If your answer is yes, you can stop reading right here .... For others, like myself, the proper watering on soil can be a big issue, especially using a big (final) pot from the start on. Growers without a vast experience or without the green thumb often feel a bit...
  12. J

    Ph water going into soil??

    Hey all, Can soil growers please tell me if you ph your water or not? I've been using ph down haven't fed yet and my run off was ph from the tap is around 7.3 and when left for 24-48hours it goes up is that right? Biobizz light mix soil. 600hps light 1.2x1.2x2m tent. Growing 6 autos...
  13. 420weedwizard

    New Grower Creating my own soil.

    Hey everyone, I am a new grower coming from a place in Asia where it is difficult for me to find brand name Soil and Nutrients. Nutrients I can order online and have it delivered however I cannot do that with soil and soils found locally tend to not be sterilized and heavily nuted. I have...
  14. Green Goblin

    Mephisto Genetics GRAPE WALKER KUSH No.28

    SeedBank : Mephisto Genetics Strain: Grape Walker Kush ( Illuminauto No.28 ) Did it autoflower?: Yes ( Day 17 ) Soil/hydro: Living Soil - Custom TLO 2.1 Mastermix ( composted for over 90 days ) instructed by Eyes on Fire & Eyes on Fire's Living seedling mix ( Tiered & plugged ) into 5...
  15. Chong's Cousin

    New Grower 2x2 Tent-Best LED that wont break the Camels Back?

    Hey ya'll Im going with a 2x2 Tent for my first "Official" soil grow. I'll be going with a high yield/potent AutoFem but I want to get some opinions on LEDs. I was going to choose the Mars Hydro 300 but want to make sure there isn't something better and more effective for a 2x2. I definitely...
  16. 4tokin

    Indoor 4t's 4sq ft

    Hi Everyone. Welcome to my first grow thread. I have been growing for a long time but have never documented a grow before. So here goes. OK. My latest cabinet is 2x2 hence my 4sq ft. I am downsizing from my last cabinet. Lighting this box I have 4 CXB 3590s putting out upto 200w. 50w/sq ft...
  17. Noons

    Indoor Mephisto Run

    Hi AFN, I'm back for another go. I have a bit more space to work with and have changed things up a bit. Setup is as follows: 8x4 tent 6 in fan and carbon filter vented to the ceiling 6 cxb 3590 diy setup on 20/4 cycle 15 gal no till pot, first cycle 7, 6 and a couple 2 gal pots of some soil I...
  18. Bolota


    Hello everyone, Have being read a lot on this forum and try to learn from u guys so I decide to start my first grow.. Tent: 60x60x140CM Light: MARSHYDRO 300 LED Seeds: Auto Critical soma by advanced seeds 1oscilate fan 4"extractor (low price) Pots: 2 pots each 11L Nutrients: BIOBIZZ GROW...
  19. Natty

    New Grower ProMix LED vs HPS

    Hey guys, Long time lurker first time poster. I've learned pretty much everything I know about autos from this site so thanks to everyone who has contributed and helped me out. I'm am about to start up my second grow in a few weeks and my wife has agreed to let me use our spare bedroom instead...
  20. Jack Nastyface

    Live Stoners A little help?

    Hey, y'all! Would some of you fine growers mind taking a look at my journal to give me a little feedback on where I am with my grow? Thanks for any help you all can provide!