Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Yup...there is a Big portion left in the fridge........... :chef: ....I'll warm it through for you........Ding.........

How is your Aunt.....feeling any better........?

That really does sound like what I want rn.
Ya i guess she's getting there. Thanks for asking :pighug: i mostly just been kinda babyin her and she sleeping during the day and not much at night. Talked her into making the dough yesterday so I could make a ravioli she likes so put her in a better mood not only to eat but getting her up and moving, gently guiding without pushing
Gawd @Lil Dab ...I wouldnt even like to take a guess at that one.

Our old dog used to get canna butter when her leg was bad but I experimented a little bit at a time.
Once it is in the belly there is no going back.... :headbang:
Sugar can be pretty rough on dogs stomach's, and if they're sugar free with xylitol that's toxic to dogs
Thanks that is our plan just 1 or 2 and see how it reacts… she had been ok for the most part but she must have done something wrong today cause wife says she barely puts weight on it and it hoping around the house… feel so bad for her not being able to do anything for her :sadcry:
So in looking into the strain known as Thunder Bannana, I found that THC content goes from 30% to 20% in the auto version. My question is, what gives some plants the ability to translate into more potent autos than others? 10% seems to be a significant difference, but I am no expert. It just seems like some strains get closer to their photo parent potency than others. Any ideas, experts?
Good Morfnoevight all you TGIF stoners.


I didn't know about the sour kraut, but it makes sense. I'll drink buttermilk too............ Bavarian style.
Mmmmmmm............sour kraut n sausage and Bavarian style. buttermilk! :eyebrows::rofl:

I LOVE pizza, but that’s one hell of a commitment! How long does it take to get it up to temp?
2.5 hours in summer 3 hours this time of year. In the summer the oven will be hot enough to cook in the next day. This morning it was down to 240°F so I would have to build a small fire to get it back up to 350°F for baked chicken.

Scary as F' and F'n amazing!! Stays out of sight by hiding whenever it looked up and then put a tree in the line of sight so as to sneak up and pounce. Apex predator

I was deer hunting in Colorado working down a draw and I could feel something watching me. I turned around and stood as still and quiet as I could and after a few minutes a cougar stuck it's head around a tree. As soon as it saw me watching it it scampered off in the other direction. Later down hill I came across several sets of deer bones from previous kills. I was in that cat's kill zone. A bit scary to say the least.

So I'm sure you guys are going to tell me why this isn't going to work like I want it to, but I get bored on Fridays and decided to switch my smallest seedling over to a DWC system.

I watched this youtube video
and said hey, I have a pool noodle in the garage. Lets see how this works....

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View attachment 1559918

I set it so the roots just barely reach the water, and used General Hydroponics nutes and some cal mag and PH'd the water to 6.

It'll probably be dead tomorrow, but its fun to try new stuff.

Edit - I should probably run a couple wooden skewers through the foam to hold it above the lid, or when the plant gets heavier it might move.

Check this out:

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