Indoor First Grow

Jul 23, 2021
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Finally moved to a legal state and enjoying setting up my grow.
I'm really into microcomputers and sensors and have set up way more than is necessary.

I've got two Bruce Banner and two Girl Scout Cookies going, all autoflower from ILGM


I started out by trying to kill them right off the block, not giving them enough light, then not feeding right away, had a cheap humidifier shoot all it's water all over the germination tent overnight and boom fungus gnats....but that was so two weeks ago.
Now they're looking good, not one gnat on stickies.

I used a kit to make a better humidifier, one that'll hold 15 gallons or so if I need to be away for four/five days.

Of all the sensors and cams, what I most enjoy are my Niwa grow hubs.
The recipes take a little to get used to, but I love having my grow pretty much completely automated.


I got this cool little device on amazon that monitors my reservoirs temperature and has a moisture sensor for leak detection.

I've got plans to run a 24 hour light schedule, but I'm letting them recover a bit first.
Also thinking of using h202 and/or uv bar to sterilize water as well as chill...not sure yet.

Found that yep, 1/2 the nutes in the hydroponic-research chart is what they want, not a full dose.

I'm using the hydroponic-research nutes, veg bloom, stackwell and life+...since life+ has beneficials i'm going to stick with those and the chiller and see if I'll need to move to a sterile reservoir as time goes on.

The girls are doing pretty great, they've recovered from my shenanigans and looking good.

I'm not sure when I should begin some lst bending
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Did a bit of bending and chopping the lower leaves off last week, look like they didn't have any issues with that and are growing pretty good.


I read a lot about autoflowers and training techniques. Many advocated doing nothing at all, however in this particular grow it seemed to have a positive effect.

In this picture I cropped the heck out of the plant in the upper left, then (counter clockwise) did about 75%, then 50% then almost nothing to the forth plant about 1.5 weeks ago.
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Girls are looking pretty good, holy smokes the ones I did a bit of management to are taking off like mad.

I've made some changes to allow for an easier time changing out water/nutes.
Keeping water temps between 65-67.

I changed up the humidifier design, the last one was way too big.
I don't need months of water.
Don't worry, any tent will work, autos don't get very big...

If they stretch too much further I'm going to need to pull out my carbon filter and fan to give the light more room
That run is completed, learned a bunch and will make some tweaks for the next grow.

Biggest thing is I ended up with huge bushes with WAY too much lower leaves and wasted bud sites. I definitely need to learn how to defoliate and manipulate autos better.

They got abit big didn't they,
We're you giving them steroids lol,
I love the humidifier,
Love it. Where did you get the kit for the humidifier?
That run is completed, learned a bunch and will make some tweaks for the next grow.

Biggest thing is I ended up with huge bushes with WAY too much lower leaves and wasted bud sites. I definitely need to learn how to defoliate and manipulate autos better.
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I know EXACTLY what you mean. I grew some Gorilla Shizzle 7ft lanky amazon bushes with fluffy bud.
I was so pissed :rofl: I have changed up my lights and getting a little more aggressive with my LST.
YOU DID AWESOME!!!!! What a setup, amazing!