Mephisto Genetics Canna-Cheese 1:1 in AA aero grow

Very cool set up though. I will have to try aeroponics soon now that there is someone around who knows aeroponics

Thanks! :)

As far as getting into aero I have some advice.

First - dont do it just with the expectation/hope of increased yields. Its true you can get higher yields - but - those higher yields come with a cost. Its going to take more money up front, and more time during the grow, and more fiddling around with the system than DWC or any other type of hydro.

On the plus side, with HPA and AA you can easily do DTW and have no more worries about your rez water - mostly. Plus, you will save on nutes. On the down side, root chamber temps are critical, so your grow room design must take that into account or you will fail.

As far as extra yields, I went from around 4-5 gms per growing day of dry yield in soil, to 5-6 gms per day in other types of hydro, to around 7 with HPA and a well over 7 on average with AA. So, compared to soil, thats a nice increase, but if you are doing well with other types of hydro, dont expect a big jump with AA.

By the way, I dont use gms/watt. Its a useless, meaningless, 'stoner science' metric :) I use how many grams I net at the end of a grow divided by the number of growing days. My gms/day cant be used to compare to your gms/day, and neither can gms/watt, but its the only useful way for me to track my personal grows.

Anyway, for what its worth, LPA is relatively simple, and cheap to get into and also relatively forgiving, and reliable. HPA is next up, but its quite a bit more $$ to start off with, and AA is a small step up from there as far as initial cost, but its more technical and fiddly to get dialed in. Mostly because you have one more variable to juggle when trying to dial in the system.

If you are at least a little bit into gizmos, gadgets, tinkering around, and really enjoy digging into the technical how's and why's of something new, then you may really enjoy HPA, or AA. I have to admit Im doing it mainly to stave off the boredom of growing in general. ;) Plus, I got addicted to fuzzy hairs on roots :)
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Time for an up-date. The last baby is still growing but very very very slooooowly. It is way behind where it should be at this point - around 5 weeks. Its maybe 4" tall and starting to flower. The plant looks fairly happy, but not perfect. The roots on the other hand look great and are a good sized mass for this age. This is about the top 1/3 of the root mass.
