Nutrients little micro grow with OF


Jun 8, 2016
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Hey so OF has been fairly important for me with recent grows and seems to be getting some following, see people referencing it and obviously in the forum here there is really some proven results!

@opticfoliar @dinesh we have talked, and Dinesh is an amazing innovator that the team at AfN have live interviewed! I have had 1 on1 convos with, you really cant get a better product vendor!

doing a little breeding tent with aquaponics and because I cant dose my water (fish can handle a bit but don't want to poison them!), foliar feeding is where I plan to leverage OF

PK is what I need to deliver I guess.. how far can I push your transport?

have you heard back from Dinesh?

that stuff is uber expensive, but seems to last a long time. But I'd want to know how to use it properly for applications like you have so you don't waste any.

I'd like to know more about how to use the products other than mixing them all up to make the equivalent of Overgrow. Like if you want to boost some N or something like that. Or PK.
The word is 1/2 strength for additions such as PK but I'm interested in how far I can go in delivering different trace elements etc as I'm likely to see more deficiency's than usual with aquaponics.

I'm about to start feeding today, I will probably make up some base Overgrow and if I need to, decant a small amount and put the addition in I need rather than make a batch for each type.

It's a bit difficult getting ratios right with very small amounts but as you said, it ain't cheap especially when like me you have to pay for international shipping!!

The word is 1/2 strength for additions such as PK but I'm interested in how far I can go in delivering different trace elements etc as I'm likely to see more deficiency's than usual with aquaponics.

I'm about to start feeding today, I will probably make up some base Overgrow and if I need to, decant a small amount and put the addition in I need rather than make a batch for each type.

It's a bit difficult getting ratios right with very small amounts but as you said, it ain't cheap especially when like me you have to pay for international shipping!!


Ha. This is probably one of those cases where shipping is much less than the product! Its not my imagination -- most products cost more to ship than buy these days. Which makes Amazon prime membership a good deal. They must be losing money off of me and all the free shipping to me and returns as well.
So here is the little SD, have a feeling it will be a girl. :kiss:


Feeding regular mix overgrow from today, (day 10ish)

If a she, I will transplant, grow out and pop another hopefully a male. (Could germ a bunch but don't want to waste seeds as I don't have room ATM)

Aquaponics is not ideal but it's isolated from my other grow area and it's trippy..


Hoping for a bit of feedback before adding my usual nutes in for Foliar as I can't use it with the fish!

To clarify a little.. not trying to cross post as I'm documenting in another thread but consider this..

Constant rising pH to 7+
Way to much N, as that's basically what fish poo converts to
Not much in the way of trace elements etc..

As the idea is to produce pollen and or seeds I'm not overly worried if the plant suffers a bit (I'm assuming it won't affect the genetic qualities)

So you can imagine I'm likely to see some ugly lock out and deficiency's.. so I hope here I can with the help of Foliar feeding get a tangeble correction..

To clarify a little.. not trying to cross post as I'm documenting in another thread but consider this..

Constant rising pH to 7+
Way to much N, as that's basically what fish poo converts to
Not much in the way of trace elements etc..

As the idea is to produce pollen and or seeds I'm not overly worried if the plant suffers a bit (I'm assuming it won't affect the genetic qualities)

So you can imagine I'm likely to see some ugly lock out and deficiency's.. so I hope here I can with the help of Foliar feeding get a tangeble correction..


Sounds pretty interesting. Want to see what you use and mix in with the Transport and what the results are. I'm interested in what can be done with Transport and other non Optic Foliar products. Maybe when my bottles of OF run out, I'll just get transport next time. And not just mix up a batch of overdrive all the time.
Have you used OF @lunarman ?

I found it ranged from good to even profound at times.

I don't have the 4th concentrate as I think that's the pesticide element and didn't think I needed it.

Dinesh is gracious with his time and even referenced other foliar products without dispariging them as a cheaper option for me as OF is hard for me to get.

As you say, the transport is the one I'd like to explore. I wonder honestly how good this product can be if used with specific micro nutes and trace elements?

I know it works, I did a true side by side grow and others have documented the products performance also. Afaik it's a pretty unique product, specifically transport, or at least best in class..

So yeah, without killing what I'm growing I hope to understand more about how it can hopefully 'mend' at least some basic issues.

I have a feeling it can
Have you used OF @lunarman ?

I found it ranged from good to even profound at times.

I don't have the 4th concentrate as I think that's the pesticide element and didn't think I needed it.

Dinesh is gracious with his time and even referenced other foliar products without dispariging them as a cheaper option for me as OF is hard for me to get.

As you say, the transport is the one I'd like to explore. I wonder honestly how good this product can be if used with specific micro nutes and trace elements?

I know it works, I did a true side by side grow and others have documented the products performance also. Afaik it's a pretty unique product, specifically transport, or at least best in class..

So yeah, without killing what I'm growing I hope to understand more about how it can hopefully 'mend' at least some basic issues.

I have a feeling it can

I have used a bit of OF. I got a demo free bottle of overgrow. Then I got a pack of the 4 small (250ml I think) bottles. Transport, WATTS, Attack and Rev. I have been using them mixed as overdrive quite a bit. Every other day on some plants. I have also mixed epsom salts with Transport to make up for a Mag def.

I can't say that I've noticed a lot using the product so far. But I am pretty new to reading plants. I look at it as something I should be doing and using and understanding because it just makes sense and the science proves it works and a lot of experienced growers know it works, which is good enough for me to keep using it and trying it out in different ways. And watching what others are doing with it.
Everyone's milage varies and I'd say even some strains enjoy it more or less. The good thing is I haven't seen it piss a plant off so yeah. Stuff seems solid. I think @The Elvis even had some microscope pics of the leaf cuticle open.

My basic regieme ended up being day 10 through to flower, they say you can keep using but I found it keeps a bit of stretch going so I quit it when I want to see buds and buds only heh.