Live Stoner Chat Frosin + Ozone = Frozone???


Just some lurker dude
Apr 17, 2015
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As promised over in Live Chat, going to take some of tonight's harvest and do a little experimenting with it. Going to try out some frosin making. Few blurbs here and there round the 'net, and most of what I found was folks using fresh frozen plant material to make ice water bubble hash, then doing a rosin press with that to make rosin oil. I don't have the equipment to do bubble hash, so going to skip that part and see what I get with skipping it. So here's the basic plan outline:

Take a limb from each plant to get a good sample batch of bud
Trim the big stems off to help fit in a baggie, bag up what's left and toss in the freezer
Give it at least 24 hours in the freezer. May go day and a half on this due to schedule stuff
Remove it from the freezer, and press it out in the 6-ton rosin press.

That's it...pretty straight forward. I'm thinking I'll go more low temp and shoot for a 225-250 temp press for it as the lower temp presses are supposed to preserve terpene flavor profiles better than the higher temp. Open to suggestions, thoughts, etc...on the temp and such for pressing. Have some time to think it over with the time in the freezer, after all. :baked:

Great idea!! Now I can find it without trying to sort through all the LS gossip!
Went ahead with the first test press tonight. Glad I got a fair amount of bud because it's going to take a little testing.

I pulled out about half a bag, and used my hand press setup to make up four ready to press pucks. Heated up the press to about 225F and squished away. And watery stuff ran out all over. Minor blow out. Not too big a surprise when you look the baggie right out of the freezer and stop and think about it that there is a lot, LOT, LOT of moisture present.

So lesson one is that I need to do smaller packs at a time than I thought. I probably should have broken out the scale and weighed, but since this can't be considered dry weight I didn't know that that it would be that relevant. Thinking it'll be nice to figure out to come up with a target pack size.

I've got the parchments in the fridge cooling now for a little bit before starting to scrape...will post up the scrape results once they're in.

DSCN8262.JPG DSCN8268.JPG DSCN8277.JPG DSCN8278.JPG DSCN8280.JPG starting to be glad I only did half a bag this run and not a bigger batch. The initial scrape got pretty much nothing. All water, no oil. Only did the one and have thrown the rest of the parchment in the freezer to see if that can rescue it but right now seeming like a big failure to produce anything usable.

Fell asleep watching the hockey game and forgot to pull the papers back out of the freezer until this morning. didn't make a difference.

Not really sure what happened with this, but just did NOT work. The spots on the parchment where it looked like there might have been some oil left just dissolved into the paper when I tried to scrape up. Just waaaaayyyy too much moisture in the mix and soaks into the paper and everything but somehow doesn't leave behind anything else.

I might try a couple smaller batches at higher temps later today to see if that makes a difference. Also might try one or two using the mesh screen pressing filters that came with the plates. But so far I'd have to say that rosin pressing fresh frozen bud is a BAD BAD BAD idea! I think that the method of making bubble hash with it first would be a huge improvement. The moisture trapped in the frozen bud I have to believe would become irrelevant when you're tossing it in a bucket of ice water anyway. And the fresh freezing would save more of the trichs and I would think flavor profiles when going that method. Then put the bubble hash through a press to make a more "full melt" product.

I dunno...probably won't do another test until this evening, so plenty of time for anyone to weigh in on any thoughts they have on any other changes I should make for another test press. :smoking:
Nice that he got results and all. But from what I saw (don't like this dudes vids...he just rambles on IMO without really saying anything..shouldn't take 9 minutes to demo this) he doesn't talk about how long it's been in the freezer, what temp he's running that iron at, and he's definitely using just a fraction of the pressure I'm getting. Don't see as much condensation moisture in his bag from what I can tell, so may be a lot less moisture to deal with. Just a lot of "your mileage may vary" factors there.

I haven't given up on it yet, going to try some more in a little bit. :smoking: