Sorry for the lapse, Folks!

I've been knitting warm-but-sexy underwear for the chickens, now that winter is about to find us.

Seriously, sometimes stepping away for a bit clears my head and adds a little focus
I may be out of place here, but I wanted to pass on that a certain sleeping Rooster had a very good check up today.
And "we" will have a discussing in the morning about big breasted women in skirts strangling male poultry
You, Ma’am, will never be out of place here.

As for my avatar, I would like to think the main concern would be the poor little chicken, stripped, shaved as smooth as a waxed penguin, and being strangled by a horrible person with... oh, wait. I see them now. That
is a woman hurting that poor chicken! I was so upset by the brutality I didn't notice!

I assure you I'll have a word or two with my editor, and see what can't be done.
My goodness, her primary choking arm seems to be very tone.... but yes, you're right, something needs to be tone
yeah,I have to agree with that statement.very very few will ever be able to truly thank Mossy enough for the homework,info,passion and actions taken for truly slef less acts of kindness that have the potential of helping sooo many.but few take that path for whatever reason.but ive seen this help several ppl from the sideline and Im glad all's doing significantly better here too.Heres to all of you guys n Gals!! a fat Dragon bud full O trics.Smokes on me..
EOF, Brother, that is the truest thing ever said. I've always received help on AFN, but when the chips are down the hearts are shown. I had no idea the level of compassion, I mean roll-up-your-sleves-and-get-to-work type of love that was here. I'm forever humbled and thankful for it.
She who Must be Obeyed has Spoken Redneck...

....your Dragon is spouting flames...
We need a smiley that conveys a sense of terrified giggling!

And yet, a slave to my nature, I just poked at her about the Chicken Chick

I may have found her notes to google searches on DIY lung removal
But...if we Simply said draw a line straight through the yin/yang symbol and write on it PH 7.35..homeostasis..perfect human balance..
Amen. One side chemical balance, the other side mental or spiritual. Where they meet is the sweet spot.

Glad to hear the Rooster is still crowing, Rosa!
Me too!
What we won't do for ourselves, we'll do for a plant...

What is shocking to me, often about myself, is that getting my head around a concept & deciding to "just do it" is the hardest part...
Before all this started, even after knowing first hand that BS and MgCl made me feel better, eased my joints and muscles, even pep'ed
up my labito, I would start feeling good then stop.
Stop, start, stop, start

That's why Aunty built in a stop period for folks trying it for the first time. You may take feeling better for granted, but when you stop the program, it's tougher to take feeling
worse for granted
I've been able to get MgCl & BS in 5kg bags for 80% less than the pharmacy sells them.
I'm going to be limited to foot baths (still working out how to recycle the water to my plants), but can also do sponge baths throughout the day
Have you tried making mag oil? I do prefer the baths, but the oil is amazing stuff, and
soo easy to make!
All joking aside, this is a revelation in the strength of AFN power. Not just positivity and humor (which is plentiful) but solid treatment. Solid tangible love.
My good Friend.

Once I figure out how to phrase it, a PM will be heading your way (and
no, I'm not looking for a picture of a penguin choking it's chicken

You've been boosting me up from day 1, sport, so don't sound like your on the sidelines watching. You're my yang, Amigo.
@Nan put this song in my head. "
Glad to hear the Rooster is still crowing" The video was a bit much for me, but I can spin this song to apply to this fight. In this case, Yo soy El Gallo