New Grower Hermies! One single pollen sac! Help!

A bit of stress in the first few weeks, even if all seems well to you can cause the pre-flowers of a female to go male. Have experienced it a lot over the years, well done for spotting it, you can knock them off, and I'd say 9.5/10 times the plant will sort itself out and flower out like a perfect lady.

just keep an eye on her, like ga6 said, it's when sacks start appearing in the middle of your buds to corrupt your lady then it may be worth culling.
I think I'm gonna toss the first one and keep my fingers crossed on this one. She was doing so well too! Thanks to you too mephisto! Hoping for the best!
Another question... how long does it take from the pollen sacs forming to throwing pollen? should I be worried about any pollen being about?
I think I'm gonna toss the first one and keep my fingers crossed on this one. She was doing so well too! Thanks to you too mephisto! Hoping for the best!
I would keep an eye on it, don't toss it yet. I've had a couple do it to me, just pluck them off and try not to stress her any. She will probably be just fine.