New Grower Light time for flowering Auto???

Feb 4, 2015
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Hello guys The NooB is back.
I was in veg with 24/24 since Iam running cfl's but now in flowering should I turn to something like 20/4 since I know that darkness is essential for raisin production ? or is it that Auto's don't need darkness at all?
Thanks a lot once more friends. :Aloha:
Whilst you can grow autos with no light off period I think it's better when they get some rest, as nature intended. I grow mine on 21/3
I was thinking about what you said about nature friend thanks a lot.
All of these will work 24/7 20/4 18/6.

i myself would go with 18/6 or 20/4 autoflowers will flower and grow with and schedule. But these two seem to work the best for myself and others here.
It's all about the 4/20 haha

20/4 what I grow my babies under
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Evening Peter

just this newbee again..But a farmer born and raised..(redneck to I might add)..I hear all the talk and Ideas about light..But My little mind tells me we all need a lttle rest and relaxation..I'm going to run 20/4 the whole life cycle on my auto's..

Thanks :peace:
For Raisins, your going to need some grapes first.

Hello guys The NooB is back.
I was in veg with 24/24 since Iam running cfl's but now in flowering should I turn to something like 20/4 since I know that darkness is essential for raisin production ? or is it that Auto's don't need darkness at all?
Thanks a lot once more friends. :Aloha: