Friday Update:
PA: Day 8 / Shiz: Day 7 / ASD: Day 3
It may be the case that between the

HF nutes, the CocoLoco nutes, the Soil Secrets Microbe/Inoculant pre-soak, and the RO water infused Sodium Bicarbonate,
Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate, I may have made this batch of soil an tiny bit hot for seedlings...guys, look at the pics and let me know what you think.
As we know, the lights were a bit far away until yesterday, so I don't think the leaf ripple/curl is heat related. Been sweeping 73º-86º Is 73º worrisome? Just trying to
dial in the environmentals before it starts getting too cold up here in the an insulated garage. What's the "basement" number º I shouldn't drop below?
I'm a bit concerned about the ASD...looking a little peeked....I'm gonna keep her going, just wondering if I FUBAR'd her somehow....(soil/water)
ASD (Valencia):
Shiz (Ramona):
APA (Dory):
:Sharing One: