New Grower Chandys Virgin Grow :)

Hey, if you don't make an ass of yourself, who will? :)

How dya go about smoking that then?
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that is incredible.

my guess is, you put her on her back, crack her legs and you and a buddy go to town.
pmlmao ohhhhh man my brain :roflcry:

that is incredible.

my guess is, you put her on her back, crack her legs and you and a buddy go to town.
pmlmao ohhhhh man my brain :roflcry:

Bobby doesn't get it.

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that is incredible.

my guess is, you put her on her back, crack her legs and you and a buddy go to town.
pmlmao ohhhhh man my brain :roflcry:

Bobby doesn't get it.:dunno:
my mind is in the gutter 98% of the time, i cant help it! lol

Im the type of girl that will sit in public places, check out girls and make snide remarks with you lol
Chandy (she my sista from anotha mista! lol) and I are both like guys...but with tits (REGARDLESS OF SIZE LOL)

seasickdee2 - l just happened to read your sig and I may have just peed a little hahahahahaha.
Who does that to their kids like... Lol still got the toaster to this day..

lol reminds of that song by alkaline trio...come to think of it, I havent actually heard it in years...*you tube*
"I wish you, would take my radio to bathe with you, plugged in and ready to fall" lol

that is incredible.

my guess is, you put her on her back, crack her legs and you and a buddy go to town.
pmlmao ohhhhh man my brain :roflcry:

Lmao. Ill smoke an arm with ya my friend :-D Youd have t splice the head once wed smoked em off and whack it ur bowl tho cus I'm not smokin head with ya.... The gash is perfectly acceptable though.... Bein as she shaves ;) haha.

Bobby doesn't get it.:dunno:

Bobbys clearly never smoked a woman before ;) lol :sharing one:

my mind is in the gutter 98% of the time, i cant help it! lol

Im the type of girl that will sit in public places, check out girls and make snide remarks with you lol
Chandy (she my sista from anotha mista! lol) and I are both like guys...but with tits (REGARDLESS OF SIZE LOL.

I would say your gutters in the mind :-p lol. I never did find out if yours were bigger than mine............ :double eyebrow raise: Haha.

Who does that to their kids like... Lol still got the toaster to this day..

Did you and the old dear ever make it up? :-p lol :sharing one: