New Grower Chandys Virgin Grow :)

At least your consistent ;) haha. That's bloomin brilliant news :-D ....and that sounds like a brilliant idea :) Me mate keeps egging me on t take a smoke but I didn't wanna do it too soon. Game on! :smoke: CC has got just under half amber pistils i reckon but AP has got... Less than a quarter maybe ? but is a lot more yellowing and dying. Might give AP another blast o nutes and get CC on a detox. Good idea or should I detox them both? My issue is with my lack of experience I don't know whether t judge it on leaf loss or pistils. Need microscopes f eyeballs and we'd be aaaaright :-p
Don't wanna ignore the advice of the maestro and end up with yacky weed so whatever you advise me I shall do :-D

Thanks a million Andy!! :sharing one:
:smoke:...'Ello luv! I see Sir Bot's has got you covered- :brow: ....your girls are looking pretty juicy indeed... :roflcry: I like the "girthy" measurements you took of them...:hump: LMAO!! - don't tell me that didn't cross your mind now! .....Well done M'lady...:pighug: *** Did you get the pic troubles figured out? ..didn't look at the time stamps between here and the LHT thread.. though I note that today's pics made it,.. these the ones you wanted posted up? If you'd like to, *ahhhem*, enlarge them,... after you insert them inline (hey, not my words here!) into the text field, double click on the thumbnail pic, and a menu will pop up; you'll see size (snort-yuk!) options, just click the one you like,... easy on the "full page" option, okay, this is a "family" site after all,... :crying: ..........Cheers Chanders! :Sharing One:
Hard to tell from those pics but I don't see either one of them drying out and giving up the ghost in a week to ten days. Unfortunately leaves and pistils can both be misleading. I've had plants that stayed green up to the end but had cloudy/amber trichs and no white pistils left. Other plants yellow up but keep pumping out pistils and clear trichs. I'll reiterate the usefulness of a scope since that's the best way to judge finish time. Without that, I'd go by pistils turning brown as well as the general state of the plant. Does it still seem to be packing on bud or has it looked pretty much the same for a while (pics will help you with this). Sometimes they'll slow down and drink less towards the end. I say what the hell, go for another round of nutes and then straight water to the end. But there's no 100% right answer here. Except get a scope and check the trichs. Did I say that already? :brow:
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My fellas mentioned it t me but sounded a bit dodgy. Gonna give it a go next time though as this way is a right pain in the arse! Lol. Nice one GMan :) :sharing one:

One of the things I like about it is it strips out all the metadata from the picture. Always a bonus! Those girls look amazing from the few pics I can see. Well done!
:smoke:...'Ello luv! I see Sir Bot's has got you covered- :brow: ....your girls are looking pretty juicy indeed... :roflcry: I like the "girthy" measurements you took of them...:hump: LMAO!! - don't tell me that didn't cross your mind now! .....Well done M'lady...:pighug: *** Did you get the pic troubles figured out? ..didn't look at the time stamps between here and the LHT thread.. though I note that today's pics made it,.. these the ones you wanted posted up? If you'd like to, *ahhhem*, enlarge them,... after you insert them inline (hey, not my words here!) into the text field, double click on the thumbnail pic, and a menu will pop up; you'll see size (snort-yuk!) options, just click the one you like,... easy on the "full page" option, okay, this is a "family" site after all,... :crying: ..........Cheers Chanders! :Sharing One:

How do Waira my good man :) I actually didnt consider the girthiness.... im slackin in my old age :-p Now youve mentioned it though it makes them seem even bigger! Aint never had such a handful in my grip in all my life!!.... mores the pity ;) haha.
Thanks very much f the tip (<---hee hee) Insert them inline, click small thing, pick required size and they shall big.... doesnt sound rudey at all :-p lol. Will defo try that next time round... need t cool down first though.. a bit hot under the collar ;) lmao. Thanks f stopping by squire :Sharing One:Pleasure as always :)

Hard to tell from those pics but I don't see either one of them drying out and giving up the ghost in a week to ten days. Unfortunately leaves and pistils can both be misleading. I've had plants that stayed green up to the end but had cloudy/amber trichs and no white pistils left. Other plants yellow up but keep pumping out pistils and clear trichs. I'll reiterate the usefulness of a scope since that's the best way to judge finish time. Without that, I'd go by pistils turning brown as well as the general state of the plant. Does it still seem to be packing on bud or has it looked pretty much the same for a while (pics will help you with this). Sometimes they'll slow down and drink less towards the end. I say what the hell, go for another round of nutes and then straight water to the end. But there's no 100% right answer here. Except get a scope and check the trichs. Did I say that already? :brow:

Fed them up f the final time!! Feels so close t the end!!... never knew i could be so happy and sad at the same time! Chopping em down is gonna be a killer.... f me and them, lol.
Theyre are still fattening up, CC especially but they are defo drinking less.
My new scope arrived tday and it seems theyre mainly cloudy. Very few amber trichs and not many clear left. Got a loupe on order also cus my scopes a right pain in the arse. Had t chop some leafage off t get a decent look at the trichs. Was gonna take a wee bud off f testing but i just couldnt do it :( Was sat there with snippers in hand f about 20 mins contemplating but i wimped out, lol.

One of the things I like about it is it strips out all the metadata from the picture. Always a bonus! Those girls look amazing from the few pics I can see. Well done!

Cheers man :) Cant wait t smoke em up! Think i might have t try this imgur malarchy... wairas decription of enlarging sounds a bit too saucy f my liking ;) lol.
Crap aint it. If you were the mrs I'm sure you'd be very much glad of a day away on occasions ;) lol. Has he had his first smile yet? Got be the most heart melting experience you'll ever have :) ....makes all that poo worthwhile :-p lol

Haha you are correct, she tells me that it is a pain in ass to never have your own time, always be availible for the baby. I take him all the time when i am with them, so she can relax. He has not have his first smile yet, not true smile. I have tried everything to make him smile but maybe he to small for now. Wish i could upload a photo of him. :)
You as a singlemom? Should have very little time for yourself and the ladies i can imagine. Im guessing you are pretty happy with your grow. Good work. U can be proud. % its not so many girls growing weed so its nice to have a word with you. Hope u are having a fantastic weekend.
hi chandy so i decided to take a we jaunt by ur grow to see how your getting on, they are some nice fat colas you have there... well done on dealing with your problems and getting to the end of your grow..... i hope i can make it, alo i do think im on track so far, well done hun, :Sharing One:
*falls over laughing*

Waira and Chandy- you both allow me to have such a dirty mind its not funny lol
*peter griffin laugh* he said girth.
*giggity* she said insert allright.gif heh. all riiight.

chandy- I know you dont get the reference....MOVE TO AMERICA DAMMIT lol
Haha you are correct, she tells me that it is a pain in ass to never have your own time, always be availible for the baby. I take him all the time when i am with them, so she can relax. He has not have his first smile yet, not true smile. I have tried everything to make him smile but maybe he to small for now. Wish i could upload a photo of him. :)
You as a singlemom? Should have very little time for yourself and the ladies i can imagine. Im guessing you are pretty happy with your grow. Good work. U can be proud. % its not so many girls growing weed so its nice to have a word with you. Hope u are having a fantastic weekend.

Tis a shame uploading a pic of your kid on a weed forum is frowned upon or id probably have mine as my profile pic, lol. Seein his smiley face is enough t make anyone's day :)
I'm with the kids dad but we're just not married... Cant afford it, lol. He works from home now so he does loads, was hard at times when the kid was a newborn and my fella was working his last job away all day. Gets very stressful at times. Don't know how single mums do it... Tis hard enough with 2 parents;
My lad used to be a proper mummys boy but i went t stay with my dad for his birthday weekend, my fella had him and when I got back hed turned into a right daddy's boy.. Still is now! I miss it! Lol. He reckons I'm still the best at bedtime's though, all I'm good for these days... And feeding him, lol.
I am well proud of my girls :) I've bot got anything to compare them too but they've not died and that's what counts. So like as I pull an ounce of each ill be well happy :-D
hi chandy so i decided to take a we jaunt by ur grow to see how your getting on, they are some nice fat colas you have there... well done on dealing with your problems and getting to the end of your grow..... i hope i can make it, alo i do think im on track so far, well done hun, :Sharing One:

Hey willow :) Thanks f stopping by :sharing one: I'm well proud of them. Never thought id do half as a good as I have... Still time t balls it all up yet though :-p lol.
Just had a gander at your journal, looking good man :-D Your doing good! What are you PHing at now and did you use the dolomite per chance?