Dutch Passion Dutch Passion announce LED partnership with Grow Northern !

CONGRATULATIONS Budz and Good Luck...:Cushty::Cushty::Cushty:

Two of our most Loved companies getting it on @AFN..sounds like a Match made in Heaven.

Those TaNg grows with GN LED's and DP Genetics are some of the Very Best I have Seen...Anywhere...

Great Combo...

Great free seed offer too..I have moved it to Canna News so everyone can See...:tiphat:
I'm placing my order on monday (payday!!).. Choose the BlueAutoMazar 7&3pack for my seeds.
Cannot wait to get to fire up my DWC system with that Led.. There's gonna be some kind of diary here, for sure..
It is one of those weekly blogs that we will remember. Today Dutch Passion are very proud to announce we will be adding LED technology to our product range. We have signed up with Grow Northern, and over the coming years we hope we can offer great LED technology to our customers.

Anyway, here is the blog!



DP iniciative is just wonderfull.

Someone that we trust to, has to set simple standards for LED lights. That means that customers get clear and honest information about:

- what to buy, which light will cover their needs asuming that products offered are very good or excellent
- how to apply LED lights to the plants.
and least but not last - fair price. We all know that prices were far from attractive until now. Your iniciative offers very, very, fair price.

The second line is, at least from my experience (I am not an advanced grower but will be in the near future, for sure), the most important.
I have bought 10 LED lights so far, 6 different brands in EU and China, they are all good and they have already showed a fraction of their abilities. Why only a fraction?
Because I was not able to apply them in a proper way. That means that the distances from the tops were constantly wrong. That is unexperience and lack of information, clear guidelines. When plants looked exhausted from lights (at least I judged that they were) I moved lights too far. For example, from 10 inches to 30 inches instead of 15 inches. I try this, I try that and at the end I do not know what really works. Not to mention other problems (too wet soil, root rot, fungus gnads, etc.) that mix with LED problems (wrong distances applied) and make the whole picture much more unclear.
At the end I was quite confused, was thinking about shift to HID also, but slowly, I am getting the picture now.

So, back to DP & GN iniciative and why I treat it so positive. I hope that both partners will:

- offer good lights which will become a kind of standard
- offer exact information about best practicises. That is what we need badly when we start LED growing.

Not only that I expect Dutch Passion or NG to do that, if not already done, hundreds of growers will now go for testing this particular lights, not any LED light, so we will all know what we are talking about. Well, chinese are able to sell you wonderfull products but we never know what kind of product particular grower uses. That has been the problem so far.

Was I clear enough? I am a little bit confused now because during writing this, I have been rolling my first LED product. Well, it works, what can I say. It works. But to be really sure I will go for another one now.

And one more secret, Tonny, one that you will like to hear, yesterday I had put first Think Different seeds to germinate. They are in my bathroom now, it is nice wet and warm there, hope this time ganja gods will be on my side what was not always the case last 5 months.

Best Regards
How do we get one in the US?

GrowNorthern do free shipping to the States bro it's the same light.

I'm placing my order on monday (payday!!).. Choose the BlueAutoMazar 7&3pack for my seeds.
Cannot wait to get to fire up my DWC system with that Led.. There's gonna be some kind of diary here, for sure..

Let me know when the diary starts bro I will tag along.
Pretty decent deal here. I noticed they are out of stock already however. I like the idea of purchasing an LED and getting seeds too! I hope they do well with this adventure.

The sites says:

"Item out of stock. Place your order now for delivery in week 43 (after October 21st)!"
Pretty decent deal here. I noticed they are out of stock already however. I like the idea of purchasing an LED and getting seeds too! I hope they do well with this adventure.

The sites says:

"Item out of stock. Place your order now for delivery in week 43 (after October 21st)!"

I'm pretty sure they only had a limited amount on release think I read it in Joes blog.
I'm pretty sure they only had a limited amount on release think I read it in Joes blog.

Tang, I do not believe that. They have simply realised that LEDs work and that they have new business opportunity as they are very respected company.

I am sure that they know what they are doing.