It's my impression to leave them whole. But I think I'm gonna let mine soap for a bit longer than what you do. I'm just trying to recover medicine that would normally not use. Now I've always recovered mine one way or the other and usually just with oil. I really want to make some pretty powerful tincture.Bill I’d just leave them whole. I’ve been freezing everything a few days then doing two 15 min soaks. I triple filter with coffee filters/25micron.
I still have the tincture I made from the RSO test. I've got it sorta as my last resort for killing pain before I go to the hospital. It is definitely potent as hell, but Oh my God the taste!

I am planning on moving into making more with alcohol extraction. One, it's just a new method I can learn, but the main impetus is making a quick acting medicine with CBG. The Dutch Passion Seeds Auto CBG girl seemed to have a relaxing/calming effect on my bronchial tubes. I want to make a powerful tincture for my Veteran friend that has severe asthma. His asthma is a little complicated. His triggers are a little different. One is just reaction to environmental pollen coming but the other is caused by the surgery the army did in causing nerve pain. Nerve pain alone can cause him to have a reaction in his bronchial tubes close up. By giving him something that will enter his system quickly, It may give him more time to get to the hospital when needed. Or prevent it possibly!
I expect the sales on 420 to be like the previous years, so I'm going to purchase my ExtractCraft Source Turbo then.
I already got my Heavy Wall Filtering Flask, Buchner Funnel, filters...ect.
I'm not getting any younger and I imagine someday I won't be able to vape or smoke. This will be another method that I can utilize to keep my pain down to a reasonable level.