Yeah, I've done some relatively hardcore defoliations, but nothing like what I intend to do.You'll be alright. The first time you do it you will question your life decisions when you see the naked plants, but in 2 weeks you'll say "Oh holy shit look at this"
It just doesn't take them long to come back.
The thought of, "Damn! I thought I hit these girls hard! Doesn't even look like I touched them!" does occur quite often!

I think the timing of the compost teas will give this the opportunity to have the best results possible. I do think the composition of the compost T can make needed improvements/enhancements That would be especially beneficial to the plant at this particular time with that stress imposed.
I've got some witches brews Questions to propose to Jeremy at BAS to get his opinion on my questions and thought processes to do with this particular method.
I guess we'll see if he confirms and/or adds to what I have in mind.