Are they raffles like they used to be or what's the contest(s)?
To start, it will be a monthly raffle (USA-only to start.
It won't use the raffle software we used in the past.
It's going to be setup as a single thread, where after the initial post, anyone that wants to be in the raffle will simply post once in the thread. Your post is automatically assigned a post # for the thread. When we do the cut off for the giveaway, we'll run a random number generator spinning wheel from online for the range of min/max posts for the giveaway, and the winner will be picked from that.
So to enter, all you have to do is post in the thread ONCE, and doesn't matter what you post, because it's the post # that is your entry

If we see people accidentally posting twice, I'll make the submission a simple form to click that prevents double posting.
Simple. Easy. Not complicated. You could type nothing but 1's and 0's and you'd still be in.
I have all the shipping boxes and materials purchased, accounted for, and ready to roll.
Shipping labels created and ready to roll.
All shipping will be done USPS.
As for contests, that's TBD, but we're going to start with this to find our groove.