KingRatt’s Outdoor Winter Extravaganza !!!


Proceeds the Weedian, Nazareth!
Cultivators Club
Aug 23, 2024
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Gorilla Cookies, Dark Devil, Gelato, MephistOreoz
Hello Friends at AFN, I hope everybody is well😁. Here i will be trying a round of autos fully outdoors in the winter of San Diego just to see if its possible to grow year round outdoors in my climate! i Hope you all enjoy!!! Thanks for checking it out!! Feel free to ask anything, Time to grow some fire nugz!!! PFA
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Germinating:Lecter,Anvil,Appletizer,MephistOreoz,CBD Blackberry Kush,Orange Bud
So this round of outdoor girls is planned to be 6 plants, 1x @Sawney_bean Lecter, 1x Gnome Automatics Anvil(courtesy of @Shugrows), 1x Mephisto Genetics MephistOreoz, 1x Mephisto Genetics Appletizer, 1x Dutch Passion CBD Blackberry Kush auto, 1x Dutch Passion Orange Bud auto. I used the paper towel method and threw in 3x Lecter, 1x MephistOreoz, 2x Appletizer, 1x Cbd BBK, 1x Orange Bud, and 1x Anvil. After 36hrs everything except the Anvil popped, and had tails about a 1/4” long so I planted an extra Lecter to fill the gap of the Anvil. The remaining Lecter and Appletizer are going to my sisters house so I can stay legal with numbers. Will keep yall posted but as of now they are just getting straight distilled water. They are in 5gal fabric pots filled with 40% Mother Earth coco-peat, 40% Fox Farm Happy Frog, 20% perlite. Innoculated with Great White. Domes are on will let you know when they sprout!!!
Them beans where probably well over two years old.
Im still waiting to see if it pops, if it does it will go in a 1gal pot to my sisters house. It will be well loved and shared with the family like all of our weed😁
Mixing soil
Pics of mixing soil!!!MotherEarth Coco-Peat, Fox Farm Happy Frog, Perlite inoculated with Great White bennies. I poured about a gallon of dechlorinated and dechloriminated water before the final mix. This is the same mix i used last round and had great results. 1 bug bag of MotherEarth Coco-Peat 1.5cu ft., 4 small bags Fox Farm Happy Frog 12qts each, 2 bags Miracle Grow Perlite 8qts each.At around week4 i will treat the soil with nematodes. As thats when flowering should start and thats when things like to rear their ugly heads lol. Im really excited to give MephistOreoz another go as i stunted my first two and i really want to see what it does outside in a 5gal pot! Also excited for the Lecter!!! Having two makes me happy knowing there will be buds really soon. Oh and the Appletizer should be awesome. And finally i got some Dutch Passion auto strains going!!! Really excited for those, especially the CBD Blackberry Kush auto!!!! Finally get my stepfather some good medicine!!! My usual outdoor preventatives will be applied. Neem/Bronners foliar spray, Diatomaceous Earth, and nematodes, possibly cayenne if there is signs of rodents. Those 3 together when applied correctly, regularly, and at the right times will keep your outdoor plants looking amazing and pest free! Ive even learned that nematodes can be sprayed directly onto infestations if the plant isnt too far along flowering. Love those things!!! Anyway, thanks for stopping by!❤️🙏🌱
Day1 no pics 11/2/24
So it was already dark by the time i was finished with harvest but we have a go on all the babes, they all broke thru the soil. We have a couple helmet heads but they should be fine. I will get pics tomorrow.
Day2 pics
The final seed is the Appletizer, it had a helmet head but i got half of it off very very carefully, and by the time i was heading home it was already pushing off!
Pigletta’s Purple Haze (Appletizer Replacement)
So they appletizer seed came up helmet head and was impossible to remove and died off, but in anticipation i started a Pigletta’s Purple Haze seed as a replacement and im glad i did!!! Pics suck sorry. Im glad we got Six going again and wont be short plants or too far behind the others
Wk1 day8
All are moving along as expected, except the Appletizer 😐 she came up helmet headed, i was able to get it off after a couple days and a little effort. I think it was too late, shes been growing but really slowly, so when i saw that i started a Pigletta’s Purple Haze in case the worst happened. Now i have two plants about the same size in one 5g pot. I will probably cull the Appletizer or may just leave it we will see! I like the purple leaves coming out on the Orange Bud!!!😁❤️🙏🌱