~~<<< update time >>>~~​
OK, fresh pics at last! ..well sort of at least, from the 18th -
No drizzle to muck them up this time either... Some crappy weather came through, early for the season but it happens, and is usually the kicker for the Mold Wars -
Fortunately, the two ripest with solid buds were already down, and so far nothing on the rest of the girls. Collins and MMSD are mature enough to be in that vulnerable stage, but they are resisting with help from the RotBlock product -
>>> Collins Ave. - man does she smell great! Trich' production is on point, but some funny bud construction is going down with her.... not sure if it's a pheno thing, or if OD life doesn't suite her well? Some colas are rather narrow with only small florets tucked in them, along with a strange stretched-out look to the tops. Other places the buds are more chunky, fortunately! ...calyxes are very big, but bud:leaf isn't winning any awards...
>>> MelonMadness x Strawdawg semi-auto - Jean-O's cross has been a great surprise! From humble veg' looks to a rack of hash-bats in short order no less

--classic desirable semi-auto traits! The last few days she's slowed the bulking down, some pistils turning, so chop-eyes on her maybe late next week...