Floating seeds... are they dead?

May 31, 2024
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I have just bought four new seeds (Black Cream Auto) and put them in water to germinate. I was a bit dissappointed to see that they're floaters.
I read somewhere that if they don't sink within 15 mins in water, they're dead and it's best to ditch them.
That might be the case sometimes. If they're dead and dry, sure, they'll float but small seeds are likely to float anyway, aren't they? Dead or alive. That's physics (I think),

Well, my four seeds are floating but in just 24 hrs, they have produced healthy taproots! Thank fuck I didn't ditch them!

Don't ditch floaters... persevere for a while. Some seeds just take longer to sprout!
I have just bought four new seeds (Black Cream Auto) and put them in water to germinate. I was a bit dissappointed to see that they're floaters.
I read somewhere that if they don't sink within 15 mins in water, they're dead and it's best to ditch them.
That might be the case sometimes. If they're dead and dry, sure, they'll float but small seeds are likely to float anyway, aren't they? Dead or alive. That's physics (I think),

Well, my four seeds are floating but in just 24 hrs, they have produced healthy taproots! Thank fuck I didn't ditch them!

Don't ditch floaters... persevere for a while. Some seeds just take longer to sprout!

All my seeds float most the time I have to push them under only about half sink in 3-5 hrs max but just about all germinate. I only soak my seeds for 5 hrs max after that they can begin to drown
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I’ve heard about this ‘drowning’ thing.
What do you do with them then? Straight into soil?

Yessir straight to the growing media that’s been freshly watered then I put a dome on them and leave them alone till they spout
I just think about how it works in nature there’s no paper towels no cups to soak in. The seed just falls off the plant then plants itself and grows right?
Yes. In nature seeds start to grow in or on surface soil, which is porous, not in standing water.

Seeds may not need air (particularly O2 for metabolism) to burst and initially push out a sprout, but presumably need O2/air when the roots (and stem) start growing.
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Yes. In nature seeds start to grow in or on surface soil, which is porous, not in standing water.

Seeds may not need air (particularly O2 for metabolism) to burst and initially push out a sprout, but presumably need O2/air when the roots (and stem) start growing.

I don’t know I do know @Mossy calls us murderers for being seed hoarders cause seeds are alive too.

“I Hope all you Seed Hoarders realise tha seeds are Living things.....when you stick them in a drawer in the packets they are Slowly Suffocating......you can Hear them crying...if you Listen hard enough.........:yoinks: