Floating seeds... are they dead?

Yes. In nature seeds start to grow in or on surface soil, which is porous, not in standing water.

Seeds may not need air (particularly O2 for metabolism) to burst and initially push out a sprout, but presumably need O2/air when the roots (and stem) start growing.

We pop them into water to rehydrate them fast..give them a Bump start....but...as soon as they split they need oxygen as well.
That is why we pop them into tissue...so they are moist..but with air gaps around them too.

I read somewhere that if they don't sink within 15 mins in water, they're dead and it's best to ditch them.

Well...at least it wasn't a guy on a FB video... :biggrin: ...but it is just as wrong...check your reading sources.

Surface tension...some seeds will just float. If you look carefully..some will be floating with little air bubbles attached.

You can break surface tension by putting a dab of washing up liquid on the tip of your finger...and lightly touching the water surface with it..
But hey...Why complicate stuff....?...:shrug:

Glad I never heard about this myth I would’ve thrown away 95% of my seeds. I soak in water 24 hours then straight to dirt, sprouts in 48 hours max. Never have a taproot I just take my best guess when I drop the bean.