Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Afternoon everyone lazy day so far woke up and went back to bed been just laying around all day so far so I think it's time to wash some trim :headbang::pass:

When does the fishing season start for you @Lil Dab ...?....... :bighug:
Good Morfnoevight All! EO.

So I pressed some more of the Lil' Stick this morning, this stuff is the absolute best sativa rosin I have ever dabbed! I am so fooking high. I pressed Bubble Tricks yesterday it is a very mellow buzz compared to the amped up stuff I am on today!

I did the farm market and drove out to the strawberry patch. The strawberries are beautiful but the flavor is not quite there yet. They are good as any you would ever get in a grocery store. They will get better in a couple of weeks.


Try 4 days.... with no background noise... listening to hubby slurp..burp and fart.....:shrug:... all the things that really get on your nerves.... that are usually concealed by background noise....

The only thing we had to keep us amused was patience... the card game... not the mood.....:biggrin:... even the noise of him repeatedly jabbing the screen to move the cards was invoking murderous thoughts....

Yeah, you are between a fart and a hard place :rofl: It is like purgatory when that mindset takes hold and you cannot escape. Ms. MOG and I know when we travel we must find a break from each other. We did 21 days in Australia with a 14 hour flight home. I don't remember it being hard because we find escapes all the time, she goes shopping I go drinking:rofl:

@Mossy here is a flower for you from my wife's shade garden.

IMG_20240322_131306538_HDR (1).jpg
When does the fishing season start for you @Lil Dab ...?....... :bighug:
I will guarantee you that the Catfish, all varieties, are running up a creek at Cedar Creek Lake in Texas.
It's where King's Creek Is flows into the lake And upstream for a couple of miles for easy Creekside fishing!
As long as the creek is on the rise, they will come up it. It rained last night in the creek's floodplain.

edit...................... They know that an increase of flow means more bait fish coming into the lake.
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