Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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In other news, Speedrun seeds did there giveaway over the weekend, but haven't announced winners.

At this point I'm like 99% sure he probably DM'd the winners and just hasn't said anything in the post yet, but there is that 1% thats still like "man, $50 to spend on beans would be awesome"

Really want to try his frosted cherryo's and Golden Gun.
"Sorry sir, but unless you can show a positive piss test, you aren't allowed on the forum."


It’s 50/50 ✅
View attachment 1666717

2nd button from the bottom...right hand column on your Profile......Ignore Button...... :headbang:

If someone is gettin on your nerves...and it happens.........Press the Ignore button on them.........and you never have to Read what they are saying is Liberating......:pass:....
And if they aren't on our nerves but we just love the chaos, what button do we press then? :crying:
View attachment 1666717

2nd button from the bottom...right hand column on your Profile......Ignore Button...... :headbang:

If someone is gettin on your nerves...and it happens.........Press the Ignore button on them.........and you never have to Read what they are saying is Liberating......:pass:....
Even easier then that. Just gotta tap on their username and the ignore button pops right up :pass: (not ignoring you fruitz)
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