Completed The 2023 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

:cools: Good day mates! ...time for some catch up....

With me, the photo girls are transplanted into next stage pots... Pics today when I get there- :thumbsup:
In other shit news though, I will have to move them from my usual happy place at my friends house to another friends place, less than optimal...
The nutshell is this: the husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's dementia a few years back, and has decayed big big the last few months. Recently, he's become nasty, aggressive, unpredictable on top of all the other bad things that come with this horror show. It looks like he'll have to go into special care soon, and the house will be sold... :frowny: ....fuckfuckfuck....
Timing is uncertain, but it looks to be sooner than later... Meantime I have some thinking to do to say the least!

How's that going so far? The test company didn't happen to mention if that seed was fem or not I gather... it's still possible to get a male from fem, rare as hell but it happens. A friend elsewhere found one from definite fem'ed seeds by a master breeder...
Aroma sounds promising in any case!

Holy crap guys, team JP is having a nail biter weather year- :yoinks:
If you want to, pick alternates for the Comp if you lost any that were choice... this sort of thing is beyond any planning or control...
I'm just glad your crop wasn't totaled!

That's putting it kindly my friend... A wonky pheno for sure, she's building like some sort of landrace Sativa. PM Adam about this, maybe there's more info about what's going on with this cultivar?

Dammit, speak of the freak-devil! Here I was just saying... :nono: :doh:
It's so early in bloom, you likely don't have much knock-up. Sometimes the pollen isn't very viable as well, so there's that...
Rinse the girls off if you can, use a wetting agent to help dislodge any lingering pollen...

:yay:well dome mate! Often, the chlorosis won't repair, or very slowly... few more foliars may help push but most important is the new growth showing correction- :greenthumb:
The rest of the gang looks great! The Tex clone should fill in more soon, unless this cultivar is a known leggy type? BB is very well shaped, calling her the queen this season :smokeit:

No doubt, it's nip-tuck-lop & break phase for your girls :coffee:... All coming along well!
Thanks for advising Newman too :thumbsup::toke:

Very nice plants! :spels:
Too funny indeed, it's race to which will show sex first, the cutting or the mama - :rofl:

Good on the family vay-cay Jean, nobody's too sunburned I hope!

The garden is thriving for sure :coffee:... RBF is jammin' now that the shock/trauma is well over...

She's going very shrubby and lush! ...yup, time for some trellis action and spreading those branches out... She'll be a major boosh before long!
Same for SR, grinding those hormonal gears is well over now... I'll be curious to see how soon she goes into bloom from here...
SkH is thrusting! :hump:

I was gonna ask, but you beat me to it on CK... It's been a bit tricky with the FV's this year, but educational as well - :thumbsup: this FV thing isn't as simple or predictable as it sounds!
Did you clone this CK? Her aroma strength and blend is rockin', might be worth a deeper look....

Dude I feel your pain literally! My first round of tent auto's S-U-C-K sucksuck = :face:...something went very sideways around blooming, they started fading out fast, budding stalled out, just bitchy about any nute inputs... fuck me running, never had this before and there's no fixing it now really...:cuss: 2 months lost! I may just kick them outside for good and get going on a new round ASAP....grrrrrr... What bugs me most is they are private breeders works, and a poor showing is a real kick to the balls...
Lower fans fading is looking nutritional most likely... pH check is in order if you can... I don't know the details of your feeds/soils, but have you tinkered with this yet? Humic-fulvic can really help with several things,....
Best of luck bud! Sorry to hear about the unfortunate events.
Day 77 RIP Grandpa’s Exodus
@Jean-O might be noteworthy that she doesn’t prefer amateur light dep :crying: give it a few days and we will know if it annoyingly seeded the first pistils on the other plants. I think I caught it in time as the most advanced ball I found only dropped pollen once I manipulated it after the chop. Then again there were these strange ball-less bananas as well so who knows if they busted a nut in the greenhouse. Pistils on the tips of the branches and every one was littered with balls the whole way down. It got buried in the compost
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In better news the others all look fine and headed into flower
Smell of Success
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Unicorn poop (2 phenos)
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That's a bummer for sure. Did you have light leaks or other stresses leading up to this? Ilk definitely take note on this and appreciate the heads up and keep a close eye on my testers of the Grandpa's Exodus I'm running in the greenhouse.
That's a bummer for sure. Did you have light leaks or other stresses leading up to this? Ilk definitely take note on this and appreciate the heads up and keep a close eye on my testers of the Grandpa's Exodus I'm running in the greenhouse.
Not any light leaks but maybe I get stoned and close it at 7:15pm one day, open at 7:15am, then close at 7pm and open at 7am. So maybe my slight variance was enough to stress while the others can handle it? It was the last/slowest plant to show after switch so I knew it wasn’t reacting as fast as the others. I have 3 more grandpas exodus in outdoor scenarios at different locations that will be flowering with the natural light cycles so I’ll try informing you end of season how those performed. One of them is a clone of this exact plant so we will see. All of them are with amateur growers like random grandpas from work so we will see 😂
Not any light leaks but maybe I get stoned and close it at 7:15pm one day, open at 7:15am, then close at 7pm and open at 7am. So maybe my slight variance was enough to stress while the others can handle it? It was the last/slowest plant to show after switch so I knew it wasn’t reacting as fast as the others. I have 3 more grandpas exodus in outdoor scenarios at different locations that will be flowering with the natural light cycles so I’ll try informing you end of season how those performed. One of them is a clone of this exact plant so we will see. All of them are with amateur growers like random grandpas from work so we will see 😂

In my experience with light depth switching from evening to morning with tarping did not matter. I never had any problem with hermes or seeds or re-vege...

The plants didn't care if I tarp them in the morning time or if I tarp them in the evening time as long as they got 13 hours or less of light a day they were fine to flower to the end...

I practice light depths for 4 years two crops every summer.

AutowreckView attachment 1611305

CBD Haze auto
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Kush Kush auto early flower
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Blueberry photo
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Texada Time Warp photo
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And that is that for this week folks :d5:

Your girl's are looking good.
Nice green color to all of them but the Autowreck.

She may have some lockout going on?. She looks like she might be needing some magnesium / copper. it's either lock out or deficiency? Don't know either.

suggest you pH your water a to start with.

BUT That is kind of a small pot. It might not have enough nutrients for it in there,
she's a growing girl and needs a lot of food to keep up with her growth.

But the other 4 looks good.
So that's just my two cents on your Autowreck.

:toke: :pass: :goodluck::vibes:
Your girl's are looking good.
Nice green color to all of them but the Autowreck.

She may have some lockout going on?. She looks like she might be needing some magnesium / copper. it's either lock out or deficiency? Don't know either.

suggest you pH your water a to start with.

BUT That is kind of a small pot. It might not have enough nutrients for it in there,
she's a growing girl and needs a lot of food to keep up with her growth.

But the other 4 looks good.
So that's just my two cents on your Autowreck.

:toke: :pass: :goodluck::vibes:

She's in a 7 gallon bag so plenty big enough. I documented the issue with her a couple weeks ago and as you can see, all the new growth is healthy, so no lockout and i use rain water and organic soil. Her issue has been taken care of. She got cold temps for about 10 days when she was moved outdoors, and i got behind a week on top dressing when i was ill. I feel bad for her as she definitely won't develop into what she had potential to be.. that's how it goes sometimes 😜 I hit her heavy with foliar sprays, one light feeding of MC, and been top dressing with 4.4.4 and WC, so good to go from here on out :thumbsup:

Weekly Update

Skunk hero S1

Pulled her down hard 4 days ago. Still tweaking her everyday.


They're all growing vigorously. I've been purposely under watering them to help keep them smaller. Not quite to drooping but close.
Wedding cake in the 20 gallon pot was drooping early this afternoon had to water her a bit.:shrug::toke::vibes: