Effect of Magnetic Field on Germination

Oct 2, 2020
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There have been numerous reports of positive effects of magnetic treatment of seed prior to planting (Sweet peppers, lemon balm, wheat). However, I could not find anything in the literature concerning cannabis. Sounded a bit like tinfoil hat stuff but it was easy enough to try. I have a current field trial with a local grower using sets of treated and untreated seed. I would like to share this photo that shows the marked difference between sets. The dry seed was placed in a chamber between two rare earth magnets for 56 hours and the control seed were kept a few feet away. Then both sets of seed were placed in the same 90mm glass petri plate containing a wet paper towel below and above the seed. The plate was then incubated for 48 hours at 78*F . The photo shows the difference between control group seed on the right and treated seed on the left. I am currently studying how long the seed needs to be in the magnetic field and for how long the differences between control and treated seed lasts. Pretty remarkable and I was pretty surprised. Has anybody heard or worked on this. BTW I am not a nut.
@DeanOnAuto - This sounds like it's right up your alley!

Neat stuff you're trying. How did you have the magnets arranged, just a N and S on opposite sides of the test chamber? Would be interesting to see what intensity is needed. Of course that's going to be a rabbit hole of physics isn't it? If it works with just regular fridge magnets you may be on to something more people could try.
View attachment 1607720There have been numerous reports of positive effects of magnetic treatment of seed prior to planting (Sweet peppers, lemon balm, wheat). However, I could not find anything in the literature concerning cannabis. Sounded a bit like tinfoil hat stuff but it was easy enough to try. I have a current field trial with a local grower using sets of treated and untreated seed. I would like to share this photo that shows the marked difference between sets. The dry seed was placed in a chamber between two rare earth magnets for 56 hours and the control seed were kept a few feet away. Then both sets of seed were placed in the same 90mm glass petri plate containing a wet paper towel below and above the seed. The plate was then incubated for 48 hours at 78*F . The photo shows the difference between control group seed on the right and treated seed on the left. I am currently studying how long the seed needs to be in the magnetic field and for how long the differences between control and treated seed lasts. Pretty remarkable and I was pretty surprised. Has anybody heard or worked on this. BTW I am not a nut.
I'm all over this, magnetic fields have a direct effect on our biosphere and all living things contained within it. Magnetics, Aether and structured water can all be considered appreciation for Natural Law. There is no lie in nature and the processes of nature occur like clockwork, thanks for sharing this valuable information.
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For anyone interested here are review articles (PDF) to get you into the peer reviewed literature:

It was difficult for me to believe that something so simple could have such a profound effect and not be standard procedure. I did not think this up myself. A few years ago a local underground grower who is known to be a bit out there mentioned it to me and I filed it away in my mind as another weird idea of his. But his plants were something very special---- so I had to give him respect. And I googled.
View attachment 1607720There have been numerous reports of positive effects of magnetic treatment of seed prior to planting (Sweet peppers, lemon balm, wheat). However, I could not find anything in the literature concerning cannabis. Sounded a bit like tinfoil hat stuff but it was easy enough to try. I have a current field trial with a local grower using sets of treated and untreated seed. I would like to share this photo that shows the marked difference between sets. The dry seed was placed in a chamber between two rare earth magnets for 56 hours and the control seed were kept a few feet away. Then both sets of seed were placed in the same 90mm glass petri plate containing a wet paper towel below and above the seed. The plate was then incubated for 48 hours at 78*F . The photo shows the difference between control group seed on the right and treated seed on the left. I am currently studying how long the seed needs to be in the magnetic field and for how long the differences between control and treated seed lasts. Pretty remarkable and I was pretty surprised. Has anybody heard or worked on this. BTW I am not a nut.
I had not run into this information before, and quite frankly would likely have lost a bet on it. It is not easy to imagine how magnetic field could have that effect, but as your articles demonstrate clearly, it does in numerous plant species. Thanks for posting this, magnets may become a standard in my germination setup now. :worship::thanks:

In your setup, were the magnets touching the seeds, and were they strong enough to cause seeds to crack? If the seeds were in contact with neodymium magnets like I have experience with, the crushing force would have been significant, and might, for example, weaken or crack the shell seam to enable earlier emergence of the root, which raises the possibility that part or all of the benefit could be from cracking or weakening the seam of the seed shell.

In any case, very interesting results. Methinks some experimentation is in my future. :pighug:
weaken or crack the shell seam to enable earlier emergence of the root, which raises the possibility that part or all of the benefit could be from cracking or weakening the seam of the seed shell.
These magnets are super strong and would certainly not only crack the shell, they would crush the little guys and gals. The chamber I constructed is about 2 seeds wide and keeps the magnets separated so there is no chance of harming the seed. I have to be really careful handling these magnets or they jump from a foot away and easily do damage to fingers as well...ouch. I got them years ago for my woodshop and they can hold anything, like full size jointer planes. I ordered them from KJ Magnetics (https://www.kjmagnetics.com/) but unfortunately I don't know which they are so can't calculate the field strength.
These magnets are super strong and would certainly not only crack the shell, they would crush the little guys and gals. The chamber I constructed is about 2 seeds wide and keeps the magnets separated so there is no chance of harming the seed. I have to be really careful handling these magnets or they jump from a foot away and easily do damage to fingers as well...ouch. I got them years ago for my woodshop and they can hold anything, like full size jointer planes. I ordered them from KJ Magnetics (https://www.kjmagnetics.com/) but unfortunately I don't know which they are so can't calculate the field strength.
Excellent information, thanks. I would have done exactly what you did. I doubt that the exact field strength is that important. The reviews that you linked show positive effects over a huge range of strengths, some pulsed, some not. Having said that, it sounds as though your setup was high strength, to say the least.

I am not sure that I have magnets around any more that are that strong, but I may pick some up. Thanks again for posting this. Boy, it is still a mystery to me why MF would have that dramatic an effect. :thanks: