Harvest & Curing Drying inside the soil before harvest.

Feb 7, 2023
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Hi all, im wondering if anyone has experience of plants drying to a smaokable stage whilst still sitting the the compost.

I'm growing a auto gelato 41 and she's in darkness now but these last few days she's dried completely out in the soil. I stopped watering nearly 10 /14 days ago and pots are quite light to lift.

My other plants are all as expected for harvesting but the gelato41 is bone dry!

I touch any bud site and it's all dry and brittle and breaks off, I pop the bud in the grinder and it's a perfect crunch and grind. I smoke it and its as smooth as a baby's bum and it took nearly an hour to finish it as its indica and I was mashed

No ones heard of this before, I was told its bud rot but the plant is all airy and no dense buds for rot to sit on plus I defoliated her last week ready for the chop so she's no leaves either.

Despite the grind, the flavour, the touch.... that comment bud rot has stuck with me and I'm convincing myself it's nothing like the pics I see but thought I'd ask if anyone else has been able to smoke straight off the plant whilst still in soil and not have to speed dry the bud to smoke

I've uploaded a couple of videos you can see what I mean and hope it helps


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I just think with it being airy bud it's just starting to everdry I'd strip it all off myself or was you thinking of watering it to make them less dry 🤔 I don't think that would happen though
Hiya @St. Tom I'm getting ready to chop them now. I've been drying them all out before going in total darkness for 48hr and stopped watering about 10/12 days ago and did the defoliation in prep for chopping as I don't like dry trimming.

I agree with you and even now I'm smoking her snd she's OK, a little harsh on the chest but it's a different bud site to the one I had when I typed up my post.

I've since changed the video clip to a longer one as I uploaded the short one.

I've gone on pause mode now and on a wake n bake with gelato41 haha
Hiya @St. Tom I'm getting ready to chop them now. I've been drying them all out before going in total darkness for 48hr and stopped watering about 10/12 days ago and did the defoliation in prep for chopping as I don't like dry trimming.

I agree with you and even now I'm smoking her snd she's OK, a little harsh on the chest but it's a different bud site to the one I had when I typed up my post.

I've since changed the video clip to a longer one as I uploaded the short one.

I've gone on pause mode now and on a wake n bake with gelato41 haha
Also bro I'm so happy your come over here from instagram plus you should have a ton of bud for summer
Also bro I'm so happy your come over here from instagram plus you should have a ton of bud for summer
Thanks @St. Tom I love AFN and the info it gives. The site is so user friendly and it's like I've got a new circle of Internet friends on here

I'm not sure what the point system is but I see I sometimes get given points for hints and tips and pics etc.

It's nice to be appreciated and if I could give you that boost for helping me sign up and helping me with the micro camera I would. Respect 🙏
Thanks @St. Tom I love AFN and the info it gives. The site is so user friendly and it's like I've got a new circle of Internet friends on here

I'm not sure what the point system is but I see I sometimes get given points for hints and tips and pics etc.

It's nice to be appreciated and if I could give you that boost for helping me sign up and helping me with the micro camera I would. Respect 🙏
Your my bro no thanks needed just 2 stoner visiting each others garden plots but online
@darknight_420 I don't think you have bud rot? It just looks like the plant dried past the optimum moisture level for curing. You may be able to bring it back a little with Boost or Boveda 62 packs and that may help with the harshness but I think the terpenes will have evaporated off.

I had to leave a grow once to work out of town and my automated watering failed. The plants were all crispy critters when I got home. I was able to make some edibles out of it but the smoke would make your breathing nearly stop it was so harsh.

Harvesting and curing is a PITA but it is part of the process.