I think that they work as long as you understand that they are not the equivalent of a Boveda or Boost pack. They will not draw moisture into the bag from lower RH, and they will gradually let bud in them dry too far in the long run if the bags with bud are stored in a dry environment. Also, the rate at which moisture can escape the bag is slow, hence the reason that you need your bud dried close to ~60% or so before putting it into bags, just as you do with jars. I think the key to their protection of terps is that they allow oxygen into the bag during the cure, whereas replenishing O2 in jars requires burping.
I am going to run some tests to check behaviour with moisture, and compare with standard stand up pouches I have been saving from nuts and other products. I don't have a way to measure O2, so I can't test behaviour with O2.
Bottom line for me is that I will use them for the cure, but once the cure is done, buds will go into glass jars and into the freezer. If they escape the press that is.

Another solution for the long term drying issue is to put a fresh leaf in the bag for a while to bump up the RH. This works if they get just a tad too dry before a long cure is done.
Happy Groving.