Outdoor Growtogrow.. Michigan Unlimited multi strain organic grow

Well I'm getting back on my feet a little bit at a time. I have neglecting my plants since Friday last week.

Last Friday I went out to the farmer's house to start getting the garden around for the outside grow there was 3 or 4 of us. We were to cut down a few tree branches that were about 25 feet up and about 30ft long.. There was like 3 or 4 of them.
So I'm out raking in the garden and I noticed that one guy had went up the ladder to do about 20 feet up. The latter was wobbling pretty good. so I went over to hold the ladder. I'm out of the falls zone. so I thought. He's cutting away at the last branch with a electric chainsaw on a pole. The another guy's out at the end of the tree branch on the ground on a hill. He says it's starting to come down. so I yell up to the guy on a ladder tell him to slow down on your cut. so it drifts down slowly.
So I looked down at my feet to see where they were at so I could move them quickly. cuz I have a big size 14 ft feeet and I want to make sure that I'm able to move my foot quickly and not trip.

I know more than glanced at my feet and the next thing I know I'm laying on the ground looking at leaves and blood. Trying to figure out what was in front of my vision. As I didn't even feel the branch hit me. Not at all.

I couldn't feel my hands and my arms. The guy that was out on the end of the tree branch he came running over and rolled me over put a sweatshirt on my head told me not to move.
It Seemed like it took forever to get to the hospital. the ambulance came and drugged me off with my head split wide open.
I get to the hospital they check me in I got a neck stabilizer on head stabilizer whatever. Still on a gurney and they shoved me in the hallway and put me alongside the wall. Near the reception area of the emergency desk and the beginning of a long hallway. Where there was a lot of traffic all the time. There I laid for 5 hours. With the occasional person stopping by asked me if I needed anything or if I had to go to the bathroom. At which point anytime I ask for anything I didn't get nothing and going to the bathroom? well the nurse made me wait for almost 2 hours to do that.
So the accident happened around 1 in the afternoon it's now 7 pm. And they're just getting to me. It just seems like a slow train wreck. They roll me down to the CT scan. They scanned me. Luckily my neck wasn't broken. I was severely relieved over that. :bow:Then they rolled me back to my spot in the hallway... Where I did wait for another hour and a half. When they finally decided to sew my head up. It took five bottles a saline solution to wash my cut out and get the monster size blood clot that was in there out. it was stupid the clot shouldn't have never been there. If they would've took care of me when they should have. Apparently it was pretty bad because it took surgeon people to sew my head up. As the one Dr. wasn't skilled enough. So they used me for a training doll.:yoinks:
So after patchy hair cutt on my head. Worst haircut I've ever had:crying:. I finally check out its 11 at night going on 11:30.

I am very glad to be alive. The experience in the hospital was worth staying alive.
It seems that the experience of the hospital was as traumatic as the branch hitting me in the head. Luckily I live in a city where I have a choice of a couple big hospitals. Next time I'm going to choose the other one.:tongue: I hope there's not a next time.. but just saying... LOL... oh boy...:pass:
wow it just shows in the blink of an eye everything can change I think you may of had quardian angels looking over you and I know the cuts bad but your still up and about to tell the tale anyhow big hugs my brother and get well soon :bighug: :bighug:
Wholey fuck what a mess! Glad you’re okay! Today is the 1yr anniversary of my back surgery after slipping on a puddle of dog piss on a tile floor. Blink of an eye!
Wholey fuck what a mess! Glad you’re okay! Today is the 1yr anniversary of my back surgery after slipping on a puddle of dog piss on a tile floor. Blink of an eye!
Oh ya,,, good one eh? Sheesh :yoinks:

LSC is live stoner chat .. butz prob better here eh? I know i'm not itching to eat breakfast for awhile now
Keep ya head up my friend, hopefully everything heals fast for you, glad you weren't hurt worse then you were.

@St. Tom @trailanimal
Thanks:thanks: MJ, Dj, St.Tom, Trail animal, Kyote. As well as anybody else that I might have missed...
I appreciate you all. :toke: :bighug: :cheers: :bow::pighug::smokeout:

Wow... slipping in a puddle of dog piddle that's crazy right.
Wow ! you know I have done the same thing. I didn't get hurt thank God but you know what.. that's just goes to show you that little tiny thing like a little spill on the floor water urine whatever can end your life as you know it or actually end your life completely.
I mean you know accidents happen all the time. Right
I should be dead right now man.
I have no idea why I'm not. I mean God the great spirit whatever protected me from death for real that day.
The branch hit me square on the head. Man that thing fell from 26 feet up and was 7 inch's across 30 feet long and full of sap.. that was one heavy ass branch...
I have no idea why I'm alive? Or that my neck isn't broke or that I am not a quadriplegic or something like that...right now.
I mean at the very least I should have a fracture or a concussion or something from that big ass Branch that smacking me Square on the head. Something should be broke?. I'm so thankful it's not:yay: but.. it amazes me that I'm in the shape that I'm in right now... I mean other than being a little maybe slow right now because I do have a like a little bit of a thinking problem right at the moment.. I don't think it's severe but I have been getting really high lately so it could be related to that too:shrug::rofl::chimp: I don't know. LOL. But my wife says I'm a little slower than what I was. And I know my balance is just slightly off a little bit now and then. But it may be just because it I'm hyper vigilant to it. And it's all just normal because I'm high. LOL.:baked:

The thanks again from all of you. I appreciate all your well wishes absolutely. From the bottom of my heart.:bighug::cheers::smokeout:
Back to business as usual. Thank God.
So the Clones and all the seedlings are doing well.
I have a slew of them now.
All there prospective parents will be coming to pick them up in the next few days. They're all very happy to get their crops ready and started for the 2022 summer grow season which is going to be a spectacular growing year. I'm sure of it.

So I'm going to play catch-up a little bit. The photos will be in dated order. With the oldest being first in the newest being last.


:thanks: :baked:
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catching up indeed! In 2000 my wife rolled her snogo on side hill overflow ice in the mts. Coma for 3 days. Traumatic brain injury. Balance funky ever since, a struggle to do anything. She kept climbing and doing her thing, compensating. Also her cognition suffered. No longer as focused or mentally nimble as she once was. If ya ask her she will tell ya she is thankful for all the not so perfect years she gets to live after such a damaging wreck.
Heal well grobro!
catching up indeed! In 2000 my wife rolled her snogo on side hill overflow ice in the mts. Coma for 3 days. Traumatic brain injury. Balance funky ever since, a struggle to do anything. She kept climbing and doing her thing, compensating. Also her cognition suffered. No longer as focused or mentally nimble as she once was. If ya ask her she will tell ya she is thankful for all the not so perfect years she gets to live after such a damaging wreck.
Heal well grobro!

Oh wow Trail Animal I'm glad she's okay now. That's scary as hell I know. It certainly is no fun to watch somebody you love in pain and in questionable health with a head injury. Very scary. I'm glad she's good now and getting better.

I know I have memory problems right now myself. I thought I was kind of over it but I guess I'm not cuz I have a hard time recalling things that are kind of normal to me. I don't know. maybe short term memory loss. Maybe I'm just High. All jokes aside though it's it is something that I'm kind of semi worried about right now... :pass:
:vibe: Some communing with the fellow fuzzies and invertebrates could be an excellent diversion, RT! :smoking:... careful what leaves you pluck to wipe though - :rofl:
This German gal at another site used these interesting plastic collars/traps set at the base of the plant to deflect the escargot crowd; they seemed to have worked well!

Unseemly amounts of asparagus and nutritional yeast will turn your tea-pee into a weapon of mass-offense! :fire:View attachment 1464531

:thumbsup: good to hear GTG! ...I'd ask for pics but it'd probably make me chunder- View attachment 1464532 :rofl:

Dude, you have total zipper-head looks I'm betting! Too bad it ain't Halloween, right? Some nasty fake teeth and shabby cloths and you'd be hirable as a human special effect!
View attachment 1464533

...rumble cage looks primed and ready, always a treat to see stuffed with ladiez :woohoo1:

...yup, just like that- :crying: ... dig the olde-school crayola entry card mate- :thumbsup: Nicely done, I'd botched at least one letter doing that!

Hey pal I brought you down here so I wouldn't foul stop the competition thread LOL with my headshot. I'll give you a full blowdown of my head right now.

I warned you some of it is pretty brutal.
I'll leave them in a thumbnail so you can blow them up yourself.

In order by date.:dang::cheers::pass:


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Oh wow Trail Animal I'm glad she's okay now. That's scary as hell I know. It certainly is no fun to watch somebody you love in pain and in questionable health with a head injury. Very scary. I'm glad she's good now and getting better.

I know I have memory problems right now myself. I thought I was kind of over it but I guess I'm not cuz I have a hard time recalling things that are kind of normal to me. I don't know. maybe short term memory loss. Maybe I'm just High. All jokes aside though it's it is something that I'm kind of semi worried about right now... :pass:

Hey pal I brought you down here so I wouldn't foul stop the competition thread LOL with my headshot. I'll give you a full blowdown of my head right now.

I warned you some of it is pretty brutal.
I'll leave them in a thumbnail so you can blow them up yourself.

In order by date.:dang::cheers::pass:
This shit is gnarly! Man, we so glad you still with us. Sometimes fate/destiny/magic trump physics long enough to pull of a "save". And we be way thankful:worship:
Cage n yard girl's
Well I finally got the 2022 outside grow up and running. :cheers:
Doing things a little differently this year again. :shrug:
The cage grow has 4 girls in it this year.
I'm growing in fiber pots this year in the yard grow with 8 girls in Fiber pots ranging in size from 15 to 65 gallons with a blend of diy organic soil fortified with organic dry amendments and composted cow manure.
Most of the girls are mother plants that I've took clones off this year. Many of them are from seed some are clone mothers also.
I will be practicing a lot of manipulation techniques on these girl's. I was thinking about getting kind of creative this year. Sensor mother plants and their are usually cut right now I'll have to be creative anyways to make them work right. Especially the mg-25 it's very viney, it must have a lot of cheese in its lineage.?

4 in the cage crew


Wedding cake clone mother local genetics.

Headband A and B clone mother's local genetics. Yes they are in the same hole.

Gorilla zkittlez seed mother Barney's Farm

Modified grapes 25 mg 25 local genetics clone mother plant.

Yard girl's

Fire og kush, seed mother plant. breeder big head seeds. In a 65 gallon fiber pot.

Skunk hero, seed. breeder Jean O's genetics in a 15 gallon fiber pot.

Purple wookie , seed mother plant. breeder Paulie73 in a 25-gallon fiber pot.

Citrus Super Haze, seed mother plant. breeder seedsman in a 25 gallon pot

Silver Haze , seed mother plant. S1 from 2016 seedsman original breeder in a 25-gallon fiber pot

Headband A. Clone in the deck hole :shrug: :rofl:

Industrial plant, seed mother plant. breeder Dinafem in a 20 gallon fiber pot

Wedding cake clone local in a 15 gallon pot fiber

:dang: :help::cheers:
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