Upcoming Holiday Deals

Jul 21, 2020
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Hello all! The holidays are right around the corner and hopefully, some great deals are too! I'm hoping to start a thread for people to post specials/deals/coupons etc. for Black Friday, Christmas, and looking farther ahead to April 20th. If you hear or find anything good, please share! I know I'm pinching pennies and saving up for sales.

Also, I didn't know where to put this. So mods, please move this or delete if this isn't wanted. Or if this has already been brought up, please let me know so I can find it.
Ok Peeps, perhaps especially those of Canuck persuasion. Here is the damndest vaporizer bargain you are going to see, an Arizer V-tower for $99Cdn. Yes, really, less than a hundred C bucks for one of the most effective convection vapes out there. Just because it doesn't fill bags or have a remote, etc. This is a really good vape, peeps, and was likely a bargain at its regular price of more or less twice that. It is a desktop unit, ya gotta plug it in, but if you are in the market for a desktop, you might want to take a look. My cart is filled, I just have to pull the trigger...

This price is from the Arizer company's Canadian website here:

Arizer V-Tower | Desktop Vaporizer so Efficient it Pays for Itself

If you add a few goodies to break the $100 mark, shipping in Canada is free. I haven't checked, but there might be something similar in the US, or maybe the Canadian site will ship to the US.

Happy shopping peeps. :pighug: