twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Purple Biscauto - showcase

As promised, getting started today.

Germination day 1: 6/14 (technically although it's darn late already)

Dropped two seeds into a shotglass of water, then placed on the router.

wwwillie update#4
Hey Now! Let’s have an update shall we!
Starting to show now, getting true leaves and showing good steady growth. Moved them from under the big lights and gave them their own autocob each.

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The^Dude update#1
Day 1! And it’s my birthday, hopefully it’s a good sign. 5 gallon fabric pot of my Coots Mix, with some worm castings plus the worms lol
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Sour D update#1
Put me in coach, I'm ready to play.
This is the way it's supposed to go. 24 hrs in water. 24 hrs in wet coffee filter. Bam!. Only thing I did differently was instead of putting them on 80* heat pad, I just stuck em on a shelf. Temps moderate 73-77.
Since I still need a couple days to finish up the grow room from the mite issue, I'll put these in a couple of root riots.

20210617_Biscauto_8056-1 copy.jpg
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DCLXVI update#1
@Trichome farmer - First update.

Day 1: 6/18 above soil. Quick as always. Barely 3 full days in the Jiffy pellet and these two are screaming along. I checked last night at around 11pm and nothing visible. Today at 10AM - bang! We're off!

I dropped them in a shotglass of water at nearly midnight on 6/14 so around 85 hours of germination time.

Pics: The one on the left had the larger tail in the shotglass of water and the right had barely emerged. Looks like it wasn't an issue!


Seed shell split nicely but the cotyledons are giving the membrane a PacMan chomp. Hope it drops easy once they open a bit more.


Into their final homes: 1.5gal airpots with a gentle 2L presoak of 50/50 distilled and dechlorinated tap water. Added some Miicrobial Mass, Mykos granules, and BioRoot. Water went in at 260ppm and 6.5pH
Currently under a MarsHydro TS1000 fully dimmed at 34" 24/0 schedule.

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