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400w is well under powered a 1000w is ideal and maybe scrape it with a 600w

4x4= 16
16/600= 37.5wpsf which is slightly on the low side
400w is far far to low

you would need at least 3x 240w blackstars for that space
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So a little confused here a 400watt isn't strong enough? But the equilivant of 3 blackstars would be ok? I have the 400watt + I have a 240watt blackstar going also in same space? 640watts? That's not enough?
Ps still awaiting on my beans, and am struggling getting the tent cover on its SO BIG!
yes its enough in wpsf but the issue is those 2 lights would suit a rectangle foot print rather than a square you have you will have to be very clever mounting them to get the most out of them

you could mount black stars in a square shape or use 1 large HID
400w fills about a 3x3 well enough, depending on reflector foot print. More light is always better as Agito says.
400w fills about a 3x3 well enough, depending on reflector foot print. More light is always better as Agito says.
the min rule of 40-50w does not apply to cfls due to poor conversion you would need to add an extra 20% or so
I use a 600w AC hood in a 4x4x7 tent and it works fine, enough lumens to go around. IMO, a 240w Blackstar and 400w HID would work really well in the tent you have.