OLD REVIEWS At what point to you pull the plug?

It does look to me like the plant is flipping, just taking her time. It happens sometimes. This Moby Dick XXL almost had me in tears, but she came through in the end. Took 126 days. As you can see not much happening after 7 weeks.


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Wait.. Are your other plants autos? If so, why would you be concerned with switching the light cycle for 2 weeks or so to see if the problem plant starts to flower under 12/12? Otherwise you'll just be wasting space, lights, nutrients etc on a vegging plant.

i guess is because he would lose too much yield on the other 8 autos if he puts them on 12/12 instead of 18/6

if it aint gonna flower, i don't want it. tomorrow marks 8 full weeks.

so my question is, has anyone had an auto flower this late before? Because i am thinking maybe its a photo, and i received the wrong seeds.

Cant you put that one in a window? Its 12/12 natural sun light at the moment..

You could also just let her veg untill all other autos are finished and then flip to 12/12. I have the same "problem" so i just let one plant veg for 3 months.
Still a nice looking plant. I wouldn't give up on her yet. A lot time and effort to just toss her.
It needs 12/12 to flower. if you can't do that because of other Auto's. Cut your losses. :amazon: and start something else. this has happened to me
three or four times over the last 11 years. one time i had to give the plants to a friend that was able to 12/12 them. they finished fine and we had about 6 ounces each.
Is it possible or feasible to pull her out and only give her 12 hours of light. I know its a pain but if your going to trash her? It could be photodependant but a so called fast version like @Arthur said from not breeding the genetics right. Just throwing a suggestion out there for yeah. Maybe once you force it to flower it will continue under 18/6 I'm not quite sure worst case scenario it reverts back to veg and then toss it thats what id try before outright culling it
Monday was 8.5 weeks. Still vegging, no sign of bud. Happened to also be trash day..... she is no more. A little extra room for the rest of the plant to spread out in my tiny grow space. I just hope the other nine seed i have from Linda's that are marked auto fat bb, are not photos and actually do the auto thing.
why would u ever throw it in the trash lol. You could at least give the plant an opportunity to survive in some remote location, like in the woods..
its in a half gal grow bag, and its 90* outside. in 4 weeks time it will be over 100*. 8 weeks time, 110* or worse. if it had started to flower, your looking at a 6-8week flower period, possibly longer. i live in a busy city, in the desert, there are no 'woods'. even if i could find a remote location, how would it get h2o? thing would be dead in 36hrs outside. hell the grow cabinet is in the garage, it'll be99* in there by june.
Could you try such things as putting a large box or opaque plastic bag over the plant on a 12/12 schedule to at least get it to flip to bloom?
12/12 seems to bother some but that's what I would do....guess it's because that's what I do. I've run autos and photos side by side under 12/12 for years. My only goal is healthy plants. Works well.