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Morning Team
@Global Moderators ....

..sharing one....
LS is lending us space for a temp staff room..........don't Forget to empty the ash the windows..if the weather allows.....gets a bit smokey in here.
View attachment 1262214
I once had a group of forklift drivers teaching me how to Spit
@arty zan ........
They said the Fastest way to get rid of an over attentive boss was to do a rattling chest clearing snort.........and spit.....
They said none of the gaffers could stomach was a Guaranteed walk away....
After 20 minutes....when the Best I could produce was a small wheeze and a dip hanging off my chin.................they Gave Up...

I cannot Spit for toffee.....

Very interesting, not sure how or why this topic is raised at myself? Did I post something about spitting, I don't think I did?
It did make me try and find a spitting video, seems there are a fair few where girls are having spitting competitions, pretty gross to watch!
However I did find a llama spitting video, which explains why llamas spit a very interesting explanatory video on the social lives of llamas and why they spit.
The video can quite easily be anthropomorphised and applied to why humans might spit at each other, very informative stuff.
Rappers spit bars.
Dayuuuum pick the bones out of that, that comes from the heart!
Boy done spit!