Harvest & Curing Terrible street weed

rusty shanty☆

Flower of the Auto variety
Sep 6, 2020
Reaction score
Terrible street weed at top dollar.

Bag appeals a ten out of ten but that 50 dollar bag barely gets you high.

Last night I was looking at some trees some friends had under my 400x zoom. One didn't even have heads on the trichomes and were all laying flat [weird?]. Another had all clear, visibly under developed trichs. They smoked it and were really disappointed because bag appeal was real high - just picked waaaaay to early. One guy had trees that resembled leather. Lol. Had tiny black flakes in it [what...1 flake for every 500 trichs?] that I assume was laundry detergent particles because of the way it tasted.

It made me think how cool it would be to have users post their crappy trees they pay tippytop dollar for. And have community discuss what's missing or wrong.

I hope this serves as a good way to encourage more people to grow their own rather than get ripped off.

No pics right now....but I'll load some as I find examples.

Anyone can contribute to this feel free to post side by side pics of crappy vs good, whatever helps us forum to develop the knowledge.
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i like this, always good to see shitty weed, makes me feel better about my own grows :D
i actually did grow some weed that looked great, but then i smoked it and it did NOTHING. i have a full 2oz of this and dont know what to do with it....

i myself started growing so I dont have to find me a plug anywhere, can avoid going to weird places or having to rely on others for the medicine.
Have seen an f-ton of tricks pulled. From a guy that kiefed everything before he pushed it out the door (he was a mid-level dealer) to people spraying plants with substances (think hairspray) to make the high stronger and the nugs look crystally in the bag.
Rarely will I smoke any weed that isn't mine. Been that way close to 20 yrs now.
DUH! Bad street weed is probally one of the biggest reasons a large percentage of us are on this forum.

I'm here because I've got to the point that I don't even trust what you can get at a dispensary. Not necessarily for quality, I don't trust what goes into growing canna if I didn't grow it. Pretty simple.
I sweat some stuff I saw recently was dyed green lol! I pressed it for someone and it was all black rosin. I warned person that it didn't look right and could of been laced with something. I guess someone tried it and agreed it was probably laced with something.
Finished, matured trichomes
Thank you @TxRebel/Mark .

Here is an example of something you'll rarely [or never] see with street weed. In all my years and all my friends combined we have seen this type of fully developed trichs I bet in less than a handful of times. I use a 400x handheld to inspect street weed and NEVER see amber. Rarely see cloudy. Always inspect street weed as you Can never be too safe - especially if it's from a new guy.

My biggest issue with street weed is even with tremendous bag appeal - odds are it was picked with clear trichs. Or clear with just a few cloudy.

I think that happens [the picked too soon weed] because it's all about turn around and monies. As long as it has good bag appeal - it's picked asap.

Another reason I think street weed 9 times out of 10 has been picked too early is poor quality control. Street dealer/growers know seeds are no good in weed. Most know that seedy weed is poorer quality [or not as good of quality of what it could have been]. So with poor controls, everything gets pollen on it or the fact it's "lowkey" operation they arent actually tending to the plants so males or hermies get pollen everywhere. So in anticipation of avoiding seeds they just pick it early.

Thanks again to @TxRebel/Mark. If you haven't seen his stuff it's def. worth checking out his grows with the Earthboxes if you're into that type of growing. I'm excited to see his new pics with his new equip!


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