Tonights scheduled drop has been postponed until 10/28.
from email -
Bad News
With the events that took place on the last drop and the site going down we are going to postpone the drop til Wednesday, 10/28 - 9:00 pm Est
The reason behind that is because when the site when down and then again upgraded a bunch of orders popped up out of no where so we want to finish everyones order before dropping more.. that being said we are going to be making a PROMISE to u guys that all orders will be going out between 3 to 5 business days FROM NOW ON!!!!!
No MORE long awaited times for tracking and what not.. Times are changing and Team ROC is getting bigger
We want to give u guys the best customer service we can!!!!! We are SUPER SORRY if we messed up ur plans for this drop... This being one of the BEST drops of the year we want to be ready for it!!! Thank You guys and we love u guys for being crazy patience with us thru this!!! My surgery and now this!!! CRAZY!!!
Thank You for being the best TEAM in the INDUSTRY!!!!!!! #TEAMROC
from email -
Bad News

The reason behind that is because when the site when down and then again upgraded a bunch of orders popped up out of no where so we want to finish everyones order before dropping more.. that being said we are going to be making a PROMISE to u guys that all orders will be going out between 3 to 5 business days FROM NOW ON!!!!!
Thank You for being the best TEAM in the INDUSTRY!!!!!!! #TEAMROC