RocBud Rocbudinc Genetics

I hear you but I thought F4 is what we wanted for auto stability

edit - just wondering what pros and cons come along with the differing generations
That's depending on how stable each parents are but if breeding for specific traits past f4 is needed which is why we see alot of pheno difference in 90% of plants grown now that's not to say that's bad I actually prefer it if I wanted identical plant tissue culture is the only real way even clones grown side by side can be quite different. Now with auto to photo vertions f4 is needed to stabilize the auto trait only.
It closed about 20min or so ago.
Yep they seem to be doing burst “flash” opening with literally no warning lol. They just let word get out til they are out. Then a couple weeks later same thing. This is the second time in the last week or two they have done it. It looks like the store was open for about an hour or so.
Yep they seem to be doing burst “flash” opening with literally no warning lol. They just let word get out til they are out. Then a couple weeks later same thing. This is the second time in the last week or two they have done it. It looks like the store was open for about an hour or so.

There was no official announcement on their sm channels but reddit had the sale date/time for nearly a week and the home page splash page had the date. I didn't get the actual email from them until they were already on sale this morning.
That's depending on how stable each parents are but if breeding for specific traits past f4 is needed which is why we see alot of pheno difference in 90% of plants grown now that's not to say that's bad I actually prefer it if I wanted identical plant tissue culture is the only real way even clones grown side by side can be quite different. Now with auto to photo vertions f4 is needed to stabilize the auto trait only.
Ok now I understand - phenotypes are basically always going to exist but for autos need to be F4 at least just to retain the auto gene COOL MAN :headbang:
I am waiting on answer now on purple bastard lineage! He said been offline majority of the time lately cuz was upgrading server/cloud/website setup to work better after crash and to accomplish some projects on the farm! He’s a solo operation except believe his wife lends a hand at time! So may take a min for email or dm answer but he’ll usually get back to peeps! :thumbsup:
Ok now I understand - phenotypes are basically always going to exist but for autos need to be F4 at least just to retain the auto gene COOL MAN :headbang:
Auto to photo to f4 to make sure auto gene is stabilized!
Auto X auto further into the F’s u get the more closely all offspring phenos will resemble a parent plant and not some phenotype a parent plant may have had in earlier version genetic code!
If that makes sense!
Yep they seem to be doing burst “flash” opening with literally no warning lol. They just let word get out til they are out. Then a couple weeks later same thing. This is the second time in the last week or two they have done it. It looks like the store was open for about an hour or so.
And that's why I do my own right there the fact there so hard to get and can get frustrating trying to find them never mind checking out and the prices that most charge is crazy especially bc there's no garrentee it will grow/grow well so I have to really want something bad to actually buy seeds it's been 3yrs min since buying any bc above reason on top of 90% are only mediocre not saying not quality but still but very rarely do I find something I have to grow over and over. I've found a few but they aren't ones I can go buy and some have taken 3+ years to get there lots of good genetics like roc to build from. Also not sure why cannabis f1 plants shouldn't be considered f1 unless both parents were @ f9 or better that's how it works with tomatoes corn ect so not sure wat say 2 f4 crossed to each other but shouldn't be f1 I've been wondering for awhile now.