Mephisto Genetics Trouble germinating, am I doing something wrong? (I read the germination guide)

Nov 4, 2019
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Hi guys,
let me start off with saying I'm a huge fan. from both the products and the way they handle the marketing, freebies and customer experience.
I am no pro, but I have at least 10 successful grows under my belt, so I (think) I know what i'm doing.
I am in EU, and I must say all seeds I buy from the local breeders (like barneys and zamnesia) they germ withing 24/48 hours.
I germinate using the paper towel method, wrapped in a tshirt in a dark warm place.
I have never failed to germinate a seed in my life. Until I started growing mephisto.
Strawberry nuggets: 1 seed not sprouted after 10 days, second one sprouted after 7 days but was so stunted from seed, it ended up yielding 5 grams -->15 euros down the shitter
24 carat: 1 seed never sprouted after 10 days , second one is now for 72 hours germinating, no success yes --> probably another 15 euros down the shitter
Toof decay: also now 72 hours germinating without results....

I have bought these seeds about 1 year ago and stored them in a dark and dry place.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is it maybe because it takes long for the seeds to get to EU and by the time i germ them they are to old?
I'm really a bit disappointed. I don't really have that much money and when the store is open i try to stock up. I cant really afford to gamble when buying seeds.
I give my freebies to my friends trying to convert other mepheads in EU, cause EU be sleeping on meph. My freebies have always germinated :-)

The canna cheese, GWK and white crack i bought sprouted like crazy and are some of the best autos i've ever seen.
Really hope im just doing something wrong and there is a simple solution :)

posted same thread on reddit earlier
Hi guys,
let me start off with saying I'm a huge fan. from both the products and the way they handle the marketing, freebies and customer experience.
I am no pro, but I have at least 10 successful grows under my belt, so I (think) I know what i'm doing.
I am in EU, and I must say all seeds I buy from the local breeders (like barneys and zamnesia) they germ withing 24/48 hours.
I germinate using the paper towel method, wrapped in a tshirt in a dark warm place.
I have never failed to germinate a seed in my life. Until I started growing mephisto.
Strawberry nuggets: 1 seed not sprouted after 10 days, second one sprouted after 7 days but was so stunted from seed, it ended up yielding 5 grams -->15 euros down the shitter
24 carat: 1 seed never sprouted after 10 days , second one is now for 72 hours germinating, no success yes --> probably another 15 euros down the shitter
Toof decay: also now 72 hours germinating without results....

I have bought these seeds about 1 year ago and stored them in a dark and dry place.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is it maybe because it takes long for the seeds to get to EU and by the time i germ them they are to old?
I'm really a bit disappointed. I don't really have that much money and when the store is open i try to stock up. I cant really afford to gamble when buying seeds.
I give my freebies to my friends trying to convert other mepheads in EU, cause EU be sleeping on meph. My freebies have always germinated :)

The canna cheese, GWK and white crack i bought sprouted like crazy and are some of the best autos i've ever seen.
Really hope im just doing something wrong and there is a simple solution :)

posted same thread on reddit earlier
Firstly, I would ditch the paper towel method and sow directly into final pot. You can always put a clear cup over the spot to hold moisture until she breaks the surface, (be sure to remove after she sprouts or it WILL cause damp off). Also, you might try putting your seeds in a very cold place, (like a freezer), for a week or two. This will fool the seed into thinking winter has come and gone and it's time to germinate. :pass:
Firstly, I would ditch the paper towel method and sow directly into final pot. You can always put a clear cup over the spot to hold moisture until she breaks the surface, (be sure to remove after she sprouts or it WILL cause damp off). Also, you might try putting your seeds in a very cold place, (like a freezer), for a week or two. This will fool the seed into thinking winter has come and gone and it's time to germinate. :pass:
Wow never heard of the freezer trick sounds interesting, will definitely try it some time.

My 24k and toof decay have been germinating for 84 hours now and toof decay finally cracked, no tail yet though.

After how much time would you consider a seed a lost cause? the 24k doesnt even look swollen :-(
Hi guys,
let me start off with saying I'm a huge fan. from both the products and the way they handle the marketing, freebies and customer experience.
I am no pro, but I have at least 10 successful grows under my belt, so I (think) I know what i'm doing.
I am in EU, and I must say all seeds I buy from the local breeders (like barneys and zamnesia) they germ withing 24/48 hours.
I germinate using the paper towel method, wrapped in a tshirt in a dark warm place.
I have never failed to germinate a seed in my life. Until I started growing mephisto.
Strawberry nuggets: 1 seed not sprouted after 10 days, second one sprouted after 7 days but was so stunted from seed, it ended up yielding 5 grams -->15 euros down the shitter
24 carat: 1 seed never sprouted after 10 days , second one is now for 72 hours germinating, no success yes --> probably another 15 euros down the shitter
Toof decay: also now 72 hours germinating without results....

I have bought these seeds about 1 year ago and stored them in a dark and dry place.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is it maybe because it takes long for the seeds to get to EU and by the time i germ them they are to old?
I'm really a bit disappointed. I don't really have that much money and when the store is open i try to stock up. I cant really afford to gamble when buying seeds.
I give my freebies to my friends trying to convert other mepheads in EU, cause EU be sleeping on meph. My freebies have always germinated :)

The canna cheese, GWK and white crack i bought sprouted like crazy and are some of the best autos i've ever seen.
Really hope im just doing something wrong and there is a simple solution :)

posted same thread on reddit earlier

me agree, the paper towel method is no bueno :nono: fwiw, i jus soak me beanz in a shotglass of spring water for 24-36h, then, tail or not, in the dirt they go...i keep the soil misted with rainwater & uzually get a sprout 2d later ;) might take an xtra day if me get em planted a wee deep, but either way, it hazn't failed me yet :thumbsup: ppp
I agree with soaking them first. 24-36 hrs. Add a few drops of H202.

If they don't show tail by then, either plant directly or if you wanna be sure that they are viable before planting, get them into paper towels. This works best for me, especially for older 1yr plus seeds, that were not stored in fridge/freezer. With paper towels, just make sure the taproot don't grow too long. Anything within 1cm or so will not have taproot stuck on paper towel.

1 year of regular storage means it went through a whole year of highly fluctuating temps/humidity. Many seeds just can't take that and still be viable or vigorous. I probably lost over 20 seeds by storing it like you did. And my temps are very stable whole year round compared to the EU.

Storage is crucial. I'm still learning the best way myself. Hope this helps!
I just stick mine directly in the final pot. No paper towels....just straight into the dirt.....try it....its what mother nature intended.
I agree with soaking them first. 24-36 hrs. Add a few drops of H202.

If they don't show tail by then, either plant directly or if you wanna be sure that they are viable before planting, get them into paper towels. This works best for me, especially for older 1yr plus seeds, that were not stored in fridge/freezer. With paper towels, just make sure the taproot don't grow too long. Anything within 1cm or so will not have taproot stuck on paper towel.

1 year of regular storage means it went through a whole year of highly fluctuating temps/humidity. Many seeds just can't take that and still be viable or vigorous. I probably lost over 20 seeds by storing it like you did. And my temps are very stable whole year round compared to the EU.

Storage is crucial. I'm still learning the best way myself. Hope this helps!
that was insightful, thank you. Never considered my storage space. it is super stable though temp-wise always between 25 and 30 C
I still have failures but this is my method.

Put the fresh or properly stored seed ½” deep in a Rapid Rooter, Root Riot, rock wool cube or similar or right in the soil. Don’t use Jiffy peat pots the PH is too low. Keep moist – not wet, and ~78°F, 60% humidity with your blue (veg) lights on and they will germinate if viable. Most strains will germinate in 5 to 7 days. Some strains take longer than others. The African sativas can take 21+ days so be patient. If your seeds are not fresh or have been stored poorly an 8 hour soak in a weak kelp solution can encourage germination. Kelp has natural Gibberellic acid GA3 which is a growth stimulator. I use 25% strength week one nutrients with a little kelp to moisten my starter cubes.

5 plus year old seeds require special treatment. As the seeds age the outer shell becomes denser making it harder for water to penetrate and stimulate the growth. A slight scuff on a piece of super fine sand paper or the striker on a match book will cut into the surface of the shell. The idea is to make sure the seed gets enough water inside before it drowns. A few minute rinse in H202 will sanitize the outside of the seed. Then proceed as above.

Old TimingMan germinated 40 year old seeds using this method:

“ Old TimingMan
I wish there was a easier way but so far my best luck has been scuffing them in a sandpaper tube, letting them set in a H2O2 bath for an hour while plunking them down every 15 minutes, and then using the GA3 at a rate of 500 PPM in distilled water with temps at the 80 degree mark from soak to sprout.”

He germinated 40 year old maui waui R.I.P. Old TimingMan.