Ripp'- :smoking: ... oh man it's wall-to-wall phat chicks in that tent my friend, beauties one and all!

Who's that tall glass of hot sauce in the back? (post [HASHTAG]#62[/HASHTAG])
All the girls look fabulous Ripp', you're on a serious pimp-roll these days-

... the buds are chunking up so well... That Big Up is tickling them where it counts!

Talk up the aromas some my man, you know I'm gonna ask! LZ may forever be a grow dream to me, pending some info on OD growing and mold resistance... from what I gather so far, it's
.... I am totally going to school on your MC regime, it's likely going to be what I run this OD season,... Otherwise, I'm kicking around trying the KIS nutrient pack for soil amending/"water only", but it's bloody costly stuff. It'll come down to how work pans out and my free time sched' to be there at the grow site for such tinkering,... the client isn't a reliable source of good help!

Love the guy, but after the Winter tent run, it's clear his memory and attentiveness are not up to the task,...
Are you running the new formulation MC2.0? I think I'll give it another try for the auto tent, when that gets going weather permitting (it'll be outside again; waiting on those warmer nights and the chances of frikkin' rain to pass!).... oh, in relation to ALR's question, are you using Sweet Candy as well?
Hey bud, I see you have sniffed out another fine DP grow here!
..... Greenleaf Nutrients offers
Sweet Candy as a combo product including carb's.....