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Do coffee and weed, booze not good in the morning or I will start doing stupid thing and spend loads of money. LOL.
Yep it's tricky it always seemed like a second shot would have to be better but it's not!! Took me years to figure that out but once I got the hang of it it's good
I think Guinness would be a good starter, I just know it would feel good. Don't have any though
I do an 1 1/2 oz shot of shine in coffee for medicinal purposes
"Medicinal" like Irish coffee, right?
I just don't drink often. I'll grab an 8 pack of Guinness stout or small bottle of bourbon every blue moon... Or drink 5 pitchers of Pud Light when I'm playing at the bar, like I'm fittin' to do this evening. Booze is generally ano go for me because I don't want to stop drinking after I start.
Yep it's tricky it always seemed like a second shot would have to be better but it's not!! Took me years to figure that out but once I got the hang of it it's good
If I start drinking I don't want to stop. That when things go wrong.
"Medicinal" like Irish coffee, right?
I just don't drink often. I'll grab an 8 pack of Guinness stout or small bottle of bourbon every blue moon... Or drink 5 pitchers of Pud Light when I'm playing at the bar, like I'm fittin' to do this evening. Booze is generally ano go for me because I don't want to stop drinking after I start.
I know, it's a very dangerous substance, and seductive. I cook up my own liquor so at a certain point it was learn how to drink it enjoyably, drink it to a harmful degree, or just quit the fun hobby. Right now I have been building up the supply to get me through the season so have maybe 10 gallons of pretty decent stuff:biggrin:. Need self control.
"Medicinal" like Irish coffee, right?
I just don't drink often. I'll grab an 8 pack of Guinness stout or small bottle of bourbon every blue moon... Or drink 5 pitchers of Pud Light when I'm playing at the bar, like I'm fittin' to do this evening. Booze is generally ano go for me because I don't want to stop drinking after I start.
ya man don't want stop that is the problem. :crying::crying::crying:
Ah, before the rain sets in
Alright what I had to get done is done. The wife has picked up the truck and says it's driving like new again. Then read off what they did, replaced transmission solenoids, and complete transmission wiring harness. We squeaked by on the extended warranty as it ends in 11 days. I'm so glad we had it as I don't know how we'd paid for the work.
Lucked out on that one man, good news indeed!

Morning all!
I don’t know what kinda lady magic happened but @Eclectic Elle , the misses calmed everything was nice.. didn’t even have to throw-down :eyebrows:
Customs raped my package what a fuckin mess
I'm glad - sometimes hormonal cocktails can lead to women being really off-the-scale in terms of shitty mood with no reasonable explanation, but it shouldn't last too long. :thumbsup:

@Green Goblin I found 50 lbs Costal brand ground oyster shell for $ 17.34 cad That should last for awhile . :rofl: Good for the rose I'm told . Now I have to buy some rose bushes . :biggrin:
I was going to suggest a farming website, as oyster shell is good for chickens so they might have had it in decent quantities and shipping costs, but you got some anyway. Great stuff! :cheers:

How's everyone's day? I couldn't be arsed to move furniture LOL I've just bummed around today.
Lucked out on that one man, good news indeed!

I'm glad - sometimes hormonal cocktails can lead to women being really off-the-scale in terms of shitty mood with no reasonable explanation, but it shouldn't last too long. :thumbsup:

I was going to suggest a farming website, as oyster shell is good for chickens so they might have had it in decent quantities and shipping costs, but you got some anyway. Great stuff! :cheers:

How's everyone's day? I couldn't be arsed to move furniture LOL I've just bummed around today.
yeah, bummed around, puttered about, pretty much my day. went and got the shells, ofc, but that was as much for the pleasure of being out and toking in public. Fantastic day.
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